Reviews for Exchange
sweetstuff417 chapter 9 . 5/11/2012
. chapter is sooo i had a blush fest .

.it left me hanging!. XD i want .i'm excited for the next soon ne?. :D

ZoeyExtreme chapter 9 . 11/15/2010
darkshadowarchfiend chapter 9 . 10/12/2010
I like this AU! Another chapter please!
Sighcoe chapter 9 . 9/26/2010
Again, for the third? is it third time? I love, adore this fic. Though it would be nice if you could rate it under M if you're planning to do more than groping and more than detailed kiss.

But yes, I love the kissing. So sweet. I think I need to go and have my blood check tomorrow if I had a diabetes already.

I'm glad Sara's not being a bitch, and I love your Wolfram. hehehe... :) An update would be nice. A lengthy one atleast.
Sighcoe chapter 6 . 9/26/2010
I love this! -squeal- but should it be under M? hahaha... :D
Sighcoe chapter 4 . 9/26/2010
i love this chapter. Sweet... addicting.
persona3adict chapter 2 . 9/19/2010
i love this please upload! especially chapter 2! KYAAAAAAA
hellangel94 chapter 9 . 9/18/2010
hey! Im gonna quote something u said in d first chapter" WHAT THE F'ING HELL HAPPENED TO THE UPDATE!" UPDATE SOON IM DYING TO KNOW WAT HAPPENS NEXT! poor waltorana , celi is gonna rob him blind ;P
Ariani Lee chapter 9 . 8/25/2010
Nice chapter! I love the way you describe kiss ;)
kaypuccaluv chapter 9 . 8/23/2010
Oh this was the best! I love this! Yuri better not hurt Wolfram! Update please!
FioraLee Yue chapter 8 . 8/20/2010
Yet another entertaining chapter .

But there are a lot of things that still need to be sorted out. For example; don't you think it's a bit too fast for them to finally realize their feelings? Things sometimes seems to be rushed due to the said example. But I think it's okay if that's really part of the plotline.

Anyways, I don't hate Conrad, but I do HATE HATE HATE HATE ConYuu!

My head is spinning just at the mere mention of it.

I don't mean any offense, just expressing my hatred..

..haha.. X3
FioraLee Yue chapter 7 . 8/20/2010

Isn't Yuuri's jealousy is just awesome? XD.

This is a very entertaining chapter that I had so much fun in reading it.

Good works~!

Although you may have to be a little bit more careful to chose the correct term. I just spotted something off.. Wolfram giggled?

Giggling is something that girls and kids would do and not a boy like Wolfie. I know that this is just a tiny mistake and probably unintended, but the correct choice of words that carefully picked would surely make the fic better. :D
FioraLee Yue chapter 6 . 8/20/2010
LoL, I had so much fun in reading this chapter.

I love the way Yuuri and Wolfram interact; the way they talked to each other, the lovers' quarrel, and their moments.

From here, I could see that things would be more exciting3.

By the way, I would like to say that there's some little improvements of your writing style throughout the chapters. Great job there~!

Always try to improve your works! :D
FioraLee Yue chapter 5 . 8/20/2010
This is my favorite chapter so far. There are so many Yuuram loves spread all over inside~~

Not to mention, I just LOVE Yuuri's boldness in here~! It's nice to see that Yuuri doesn't wimp out too many times.

Know what? You have the ability to -almost- balance, between Yuuram and WolfYuu moments. [Though I love both Yuuram/WolfYuu almost equally, I prefer Yuuram most of the times]

Do keep that up~!

The only thing that had been bothering me a BIT is that you seemed to be rushing things for the two of them.
FioraLee Yue chapter 4 . 8/20/2010

The way Yuuri reacted to Sara, I particularly liked it. He's at least not a hundred percent trust him blindly and so easily. Yup, he really needs to trust Wolfram more than anyone else. Oh, and I love the little Yuuram scene you put in :3.
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