Reviews for Unwritten Fate
Wildfire49733 chapter 23 . 12/10/2019
This is great! I can’t wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 21 . 11/15/2018
Does Kirk ever talk to any of his old friends that Mitchell has gotten? What is Mitchell up to?
Tishbing chapter 16 . 11/15/2018
I never noticed this chapter. Are Spock and Jim somehow bonded already somehow? Is Spock going to discover it?
Tishbing chapter 3 . 11/14/2018
I have to say, with Bones calling Jim the wife, I think it would be pretty funny if somehow Kirk got turned into a girl. I think Spock would explode with trying to understand his reactions to him and Kirk would be mortified and it'd also be more ammunition for Bones' teasing (and Uhura's!). Plus, I am curious if (can't remember) Spock will ever find out about Tarsus. Kodos would be an excellent plot device. Also, I so want to see (yes, I am mean) Kirk get hurt somehow (maybe protecting Spock?). Also, at some point, Spock has to meld with Jim! That'd be awesome! Anyway, hope you are well
angeliena chapter 23 . 10/15/2018
Love the story! I love how you’re slowly develop the whole characters and that I have a feeling that I get to know them very well! I have no clue if you ever will update this story but I hope you will!
0.0-MIDNIGHTROSE-0.0 chapter 23 . 9/5/2018
Hi! I always berate myself for starting good stories that have not been updated in years, but I had been craving something new and fresh to read. I hope your hiatus ends soon, because I really enjoy this story. Live Long and Prosper, my friend.
ijen524 chapter 23 . 5/12/2018
please come back!
Nichalia chapter 23 . 4/3/2018
Guest chapter 23 . 12/11/2017
Pleeeeeeeeasee updateeeeeeeee!
Guest chapter 19 . 9/16/2017
OH, come on! Please update this! I've read it far too many times and it's at a pivotal moment!
hiccup chapter 23 . 9/9/2017
Your writing and story telling is amazing! I adore it so much and I love rereading your story whenever I feel like some Star Trek, It is honestly one of my favorite fics of all time :)
Was the voice Jim heard Originalseries Jim? I hope you keep writing I cant wait to see what happens :) I don't mind the wait it always is worth it :)
Thanks for writing!
Owl chapter 23 . 6/4/2017
Ahhh no puede ser que haya quedado en eso! Sabia que no estaba terminado y aun así seguí leyendo, maldito impulso de idiotez :'u para resumir, ame cada capitulo de principio a fin y tengo la esperanza de algún día ver una actualización de este fic aunque no hubo una desde 2015 (maldita semilla de la esperanza :'u) volviendo al tema, amo cuando hacen a Spock celoso del viejo Spock jajaja es divertido ver ese lado que no quiere aceptar y que haga hasta lo imposible por alejar a Jim del viejo xD simplemente magnifico. Por si algún día lees esto, primero quiero pedir disculpas por escribir esto en español, si bien estiendo algo de inglés no estoy lo suficientemente ralacionado con el idioma como para escribir todo esto sin que este lleno de incoherencias jajaj mis disculpas. Segundo, quiero enviarte mi amor por escribir este fic tan hermosos aunque me hubiera gustado leer un final :'( es el segundo fic mas largo que leí (el primero tenia 41 bellos capítulos) y me atrapó desde el principio tanto que hasta lo leía en clases jajajaja en fin espero que estés bien y que si este review llega a usted espero que las ganas de un extraño de seguir leyendo esta bella historia te motive a seguirlo. Aún si no es así, mis mejores deceos para usted. Saludos.
Guest chapter 23 . 4/23/2017
Noooooo, please! I need another ch! I couldn't live if i you don't tell us how spock kill spock XD
bartlettpear chapter 18 . 1/7/2017
I really love how you portrayed Gaila and Kirk's relationship, I can understand now how they really could've learned to love each other and been the perfect couple. Seeing Kirk and Spock's relationship through other people's eyes is fascinating. Kirk contacting Sam surprised me but I loved getting to see their dynamics, it was sweet and funny.
bartlettpear chapter 14 . 1/6/2017
I love how Kirk reacts to Ambassador Spock, their conversation made me really happy haha
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