Reviews for Chromatic
dragonnargus chapter 6 . 7/14/2017
Hope he could fix the black dragon for real? That would have been awesome. ..
Mark chapter 6 . 10/2/2016
You dont harry. You stay there forever untill the author stoped raiding and decides to finish this story... which is one of the first ones i read. And one i wish was finished.

The Emerald Nightmare is fun as fuck _
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
the lord of time? a blue box rings a bell time lord!
Ranmaleopard chapter 6 . 12/25/2014
This is just awesome please continue!
ArthurShade chapter 6 . 11/29/2014
partner you have some weird humor but nice story nonetheless
KingLoitl chapter 6 . 6/9/2014
keep updating please! this story is funny and very riveting :D
Talon5Krrde chapter 6 . 5/3/2014
More please! This is a very interesting story!
direkitsune chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
This is one of the most interesting stories I have ever read. Hope you create more chapters soon.
Artjr chapter 6 . 3/12/2014
Think its safe to say you've let the story die now. Was hoping to see more but nothing after 3 years means to take off the reading list. Thanks for the few chapters you did put out.
Great Sage Equaling Heaven chapter 6 . 12/22/2013
This is a good story. So why is it abandoned. And at such a moment as well. Oh dear.
Mickyg Luvs Most Stuff chapter 6 . 10/30/2013
Interesting plot. can't wait for the next chapter!
ChronoFury chapter 6 . 8/23/2013
An interesting fanfic, looking forward to more chapters soon
FranticHamster chapter 6 . 1/6/2013
harry potter giving a dragon a back rub kinda funny
Dymian chapter 6 . 11/20/2012
Am Liking this. So, when does Deathwing start to fall into Harry's eyes?
DejDem chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
If he has faced the horntail wouldn't that make him older than 14? He seems to act like a little kid in this for no real reason.
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