Reviews for Hot Water
EnigmaMemory chapter 3 . 4/13/2012
Get Neku and Shiki alone in the hot spring. Then make them do "interesting" things together.

You have 120 minutes. Fail and face erasure.

Above all else, have fun.


The Reapers

Best part of this whole story, hands down. And I started laughing my head off once I began reading the epilogue. My god... I should've seen it coming. Hopefully, if I ever get to writing a story on this game (and I will...someday. Story's simply too good), I hope it'll be at a level like the ones you write. Well played, sir. GG
chocolatesundae chapter 3 . 1/22/2011
Haha, nice story. (:
Patcheresu chapter 3 . 1/6/2011
L to the O to the LOL
Dark Icy Warrioress chapter 3 . 9/24/2010
lol, this was a cute story, good job! _
Blobette chapter 3 . 9/9/2010
Ya~y! This was awesome! I haven't finished the game yet, so I don't know what happens, but I love Shiki/Neku!
Musashisuya chapter 3 . 8/19/2010
"Get Neku and Shiki alone in the hot spring. Then make them do "interesting" things together.

You have 120 minutes. Fail and face erasure.

Above all else, have fun.


The Reapers"

Oh, poor, poor, Neku. You have no idea how dead on you were when you came to that thought.
Lost Legendaerie chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
'Hey, look! A mixed bath! A** FOR EVERYONE!'

...Sorry. Glad to get that out of the way. By the way, this is better than I expected. Neku is surprisingly but.. satisfactorily lecherous, Eri is evil and it somehow suits her in this, and... yeah. Wow.

Onto the next! Huzzah!
Anon723723723 chapter 3 . 8/2/2010
Kariya was behind this? Sweet! I should have figured something was up...
I ain't sellin chapter 3 . 8/1/2010
haha i luv how it all turned out! _
SamKo chapter 2 . 7/31/2010
This. Was. So. CUTE.

I love your descriptions. Especially the part about the Reaper's ideal text message for the scenario. Several parts of this made me laugh in a way that I tried to hide it so my family wouldn't come and ask me what was so funny and I would have to explain to them something impossible to explain.

Thoroughly enjoyed this. You nailed Neku's personality, too. Fav'd :D
Anon723723723 chapter 2 . 7/26/2010
Another nice chapter, though Eri scares me now.
Anon723723723 chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
Neku can't catch a break, can he?
my fish bit my hand c chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
before we start, i'd like to clarify something.

you see, it's the middle of the night here. or it feels like it is. i can't see the sun from where i am, so i couldn't tell you. but i'm very tired.

however, my room was too cold and lonely for sleeping. so i went upstairs to sit by my fishes. they're very relaxing company, i must say.

but they were eyeing me hungrily. see, these are a rare kind of fish called a demonic hellspawn piranha goldfish fish. and they kept ramming the glass as i read your story, and i had to stop in the middle and feed them.

but when i opened the fish tank, the funniest thing happened. the demonic hellspawn fishie jumped out and latched on to my thumb with its sharp teeth.

there followed a violent battle of epic proportions.

but now i have successfully removed the fish from my hand matter

but my thumb hurts too much to press the shift key, so...i'm sorry. it's these fish. they don't want frog bits, they want raw, fresh human boy. oh no.

ahem. reviewing.

so i got back to the story and finished it. and i must say this - your writing style is very neat. tidy. crisp. it gives off a very clean feel, the way your writing flows so perfectly...

it's very nice. but sometimes, this tidy crispness makes it feel kind of flat...and some parts feel a little melodramatic. but that's okay, because it was a very pleasant read.

i like how neku feels the need to explain the onsen. it felt like he turned to the camera and started whispering into my ear. hee, hee. a bizarre thing to laugh at,

but...i feel kind of sad that nobody considered inviting joshua, even for a second. sure, he can't leave shibuya...but it never crossed anyone's minds. he's very lonely, you know. trapped underground with no one to talk to... it would have been nice if someone had asked him. but that's okay.

i'm a bit worried for rhyme. a mixed bath! what if the dirty lolicon guys get their hands on her?
ShiningScythe chapter 1 . 7/22/2010

*Shiki, Beat and Rhyme as Heartless, and Neku without a Keyblade..


Tsukasa-kun chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
Ah hahahaha! Poor Neku! This is awesome, I can't wait for part two now X'D
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