Reviews for And so the beast fell in love with the bird
mewmewstardom chapter 13 . 5/30/2011
Aww, I love this chapter and ending! This was really cute! I love this pairing! If you're planning on writing more of them, let me know please? I'd love to read whatever you decide to put out though! As long as it's yaoi XD

Loved this!

Chibi Tenshi Sama chapter 2 . 4/28/2011
Not bad so far. Although I do like long chapters, short chapters do have their merits, and each is filled wit events.


I appreciate the capitalized warning for yaoi, and really, couldn't care less. But the shojo-ai took me by surprise and was kind of off-putting. It seems pretty background, so I'll ignore it, but some warning in the -summary- would have been appreciated.

mewmewstardom chapter 12 . 1/16/2011
Aww! I love the ending! And I enjoyed the fight scene I've read the manga, and I've come to also really love Kisame's character! He's really not that awful! Anyhow, it sucks that he had to die, but it was a must! We had to make him pay for what he did to Neji-kun!

Gah! I love this pairing so much! And I love this story!

Please update the last chappie soon! (Hopefully it's a sappy happy ending!)

Migoto Nami chapter 12 . 1/16/2011
That was cute! :] But very short 0-0

I felt that the fight scene in particular was very short and you could have done more with it, but don't feel bad about it. I suck MAJOR eggs at writing fight scenes too. :[

The ending WAS corny, but I like it that way. It's the corny-ness that gives the story some bit of fluff :D

I can't wait to see how this story ends, even though I am sad that it is ending. I hope you write more real soon. :]


~Migoto Nami
Migoto Nami chapter 11 . 12/16/2010
No! The dreaded cliffhanger! My mortal enemy .

Ha ha. I like this chapter. Tis very actiony and I liked the little tidbits of fluff you put here and there. I can't wait to read more and see what a certain someone is going to do to poor Neji :] oh...and everyone else too! XD *is Neji obsessed*

Write more soon please! :D

~Migoto Nami
DeadXombie chapter 11 . 12/16/2010
Yay ! Lemme guess kisame has returned? Someone is gunna get killed
mewmewstardom chapter 10 . 11/16/2010
Omg awesome chappie! I loved it! I can't wait until the next chappie! I hope everyone makes it out okay! I hope Gaara's okay!

Love the chapter, and can't wait until the next one!

DeadXombie chapter 10 . 11/16/2010
Yay finnaly a new chappie!YAY*glomps u*
DeadXombie chapter 9 . 9/17/2010
Mi gawd it's good I copied and pasted all nine chapters and read them all at once and holy shot u are a good fanfic writer and yes I am a fan of Gai and Kisame( in a yaoi pairing) but WTF kisame WHY? Leave the hyuuga alooooonnnnneeee ! And give lee his gaara back! Lmfao such a good story I shall ready it till the end!
Migoto Nami chapter 9 . 9/16/2010
Holy frip! You actually did it :O yay :3 Isn't torturing Neji fun? I did it in my story. I took out his eyes :3 it was fun XD

good chap! I can't wait til the shizz hits the fan and Gai goes after Kiss-a-mi! I hope he doesn't die though :[ Then there won't be any more Jabba-Jabba Shark in Naruto T.T

anyways, please review soon and don't stop rockin woman XD I can't wait to see what happens next :]
Migoto Nami chapter 8 . 8/22/2010
Nooooooo! Kiss-a-mi how dare you! ha ha, kiss-a-mi lol. I always think of that when i hear his name. Ha! XD

Anyways, *clears throat* Neji! Baby come back! You can blame it all on meeeeee! Well Gai...

Lol. I was really surprised when you brought Kisame in to help with the stealing of Gaara. But when I red the author's note, I knew why XD

Good stuffs as usual, I can't wait for more.

I hope Neji gets raped :]

And yes, I am mean like that XD It's fun reading Neji get tortured. :]

Anyways, til next time XP
mewmewstardom chapter 8 . 8/22/2010
Well, I do have to agree. This is better than if they'd broken up! But it's still sad...:( But I like it! It adds some action into the story! Can't wait for the next chapter

Adid chapter 7 . 8/21/2010


It's so hard to find anything about this couple. Please, please, continual .
Migoto Nami chapter 7 . 8/20/2010
Oh snap son! Shizz is bout to hit the fan! :OOO

And zomg, some lovins! thats always fun to read X]
hiddenlotuselee chapter 7 . 8/18/2010
Gasp! what is going to happen now 0.0
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