Reviews for Roy's Doggie Dog World
rockhorsegeek chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
OMG, it's been ages since i reviewed! It must be the first time in a year! Aaaanyway, just wanted to drop this comment that your fanfic is awesome! Also, I don't usually read yaoi fanfics, it's only cos' of my best friend who introduced me to the awesome world of anime, manga, yaoi etc...keep up the good work anyways! :-D
WolvesAngelz chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
This was really good! XD
shadow halfbreed chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
lol, this was pretty good

Your writing style is great, and I think you got the character's personalities really well.

true I've only seen 13 eps so far...but I could picture the characters well to this.

this was great to read, well done :)
tetsuhiro chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
*gasps at ending*

0.0 wow Roy reeaally loves dogs lol

Okiraka you are a perv for writing this...


*favs* _
MissJudged16 chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
hahaha I'm still laughing. Wonderful! Very good work and it all makes sense and is lovely! Nicely done!