Reviews for Three Monosyllable Words
LonelyNightz chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
Norweg91 chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
This was sooooo good! Very well written, and I enjoyed it very much :D
messyhxdlovers chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
LOVE IT! Is there a sequel?...if not...there should be! D.
KInA chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
awesome story did a great job it was nice to sit and read in my free time thank you fo sharing it on the web
ban-chan100 chapter 1 . 7/26/2010

its a great story and wish there was more i will have to read this story a thousand times because its so great.

thanks you
anonymous chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
I really enjoyed your story. I especially loved the idea of Holmes thinking that Watson was just a figure of his imagination. I think the characters were quite well done as well. nice work!
Feather Ice chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
This was a very enjoyable story! Really, your writing was lovely. You captured the spirit of the movie and its characters very well, and you managed to make the plot nicely believeable. The humor was also well done, and all in all, this was a wonderful read (as I hope my favoriting will allude to). Your new writing style is lovely.

However, just a few points that you may want to work on. One is that there were a few grammatical errors-omitted words and the like-that made the reading somewhat bumpy. However, the writing was far too good for me to stop reading just because of that, so kudos to you. Nevertheless, I hope you'll take the time to edit your work more thoroughly in the future.

And also, although this is more a question of personal taste, it seems that you spent a bit TOO much time trying to make things believable. It's really not necessary to explain all the little details. Sometimes you can let the reader assume the more obvious bits of plot. Just something to work on, perhaps. Or leave it as it is, which would also be perfectly fine. As I said, this was a wonderful story to read all on its own.

Thank you for writing!
JinJinJin chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
"This is reality...oh."

Oh my, I think I haven't laughed this hard for a long time.

It was a lovely story, and I am very thankful that you wrote it.

There is just one little thing that disturbed me a little: Mary's attitude. She is just like "Oh well, I'll let him go."

Anyway, nice oneshot!