Reviews for The Projection
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4
this was so great!
caribbeanblues chapter 1 . 9/22/2014
This is really interesting. I love this idea that Mal was a destructive projection because of Cobb's guilt but that, if you love someone without all these negative feelings, then projections would do the opposite and protect you.
And I think everyone was perfectly in-character.
I really enjoyed reading this.
yaba chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
This was lovely! I really enjoyed reading the journey you created for them. Well done :)
TheLadyW chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
This story pleasantly surprised me. You treated the material well and I like the idea that it is possible for projections to actively protect you.

Well done.
Shembre chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
Yes, this was incredibly great to read! You did such a good job with your portrayal of all the characters, I loved reading it! The emotions were so good, and it wasn't at all like some of the other fics that I've tried to read where Arthur and Ariadne give only a small amount of thought, just enough for it to be a side note, into pursuing a non-professional relationship, and I liked how at the end their projections of each other became "good" and that it confused them. :D

Again, very nicely done!
ibelieveintruelove chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
I love the idea of Arthur and Ariadne's projections protecting each other! It's so romantic, and a very cool idea. I didn't really like that Cobb had stayed in Limbo and suffered so much, but the overall story was excellent - the ending was especially cute. Nicely done!
crimsonxfae chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
wow, just wow, amazing writing job, great story!
StarzAngelus chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
Guh, that was so heartbreaking, but beautiful. I am so glad they go their happy ending and that it wasn't easy.

Great job! :)
cassie89 chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
Beautiful. Great characterization. Good solution and ending. Bravo.
12D3 Gorillaz chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
That was the best inception story i've read yet. It's one of the best one shots in any category that i've read actually. (although I usually don't read oneshots that much so I don't know how much that means :P)
Arugula Pacioli chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
oh man, I thought it was going to end badly, but no, this was beautiful:D thank you! and I love the positive projection, i think cobb's guilt is what turned mal into a negative projection. I really loved this! one of the best i've read so far:D
AngelofDarkness1605 chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
Even though this fic is pretty long, I enjoyed reading every word of it. This story is what should've actually happened, I think.

I love the details you used, mostly how their projections reacted in the dreams after they seperated.

It's amazing how Arthur and Ariadne first seem to be going to end up like Dom and Mal but that, in the end, there's hope for something a lot better than that.
EYESviolet chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
Wow. Hats off to you, my friend. This was excellent, truly. Beautiful, and in-character the whole way. Please write more, I'm begging you. :)

Elliesmeow chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
That was really beautiful. I loved the way things were so perfect and they ran from the fear that it would all become twisted. It was really sad to find out that it was never necessary. The bit about how the projections of each other acted in their dreams was perfect.

Thanks so much for posting. Even the bits with how Cobb came back to them and remembered who they were was excellent.:) I hope you'll write more for this fandom.

sparksfly16 chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
This was amazing!
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