Reviews for The Married Life
LoveIsFoundEverywhere chapter 33 . 4/24/2014
I liked the chapter. I would like to talk to you so I'll PM you since your account for tumblr doesn't seem to exist anymore. Hopefully, you will see this soon. I'll send it tomorrow since I just got this account and can't PM for at least one day.
pao chapter 33 . 1/3/2014
love your story and am so glad you updated! Can't wait till nick actually makes a move lol.
That One Girl chapter 33 . 12/31/2013
I remember when your story was just 25 chapters all those years ago. I generally don't read unfinished stories, but for some reason I keep coming back to this and sticks in my mind. I cannot wait for more!
Guest chapter 33 . 12/11/2013
ty for continuing this
icyquest4 chapter 33 . 12/11/2013
i am so happy you are continuing!
Anonymous chapter 32 . 9/2/2013
Guest chapter 32 . 8/23/2013
Next chapter pls
Guest chapter 11 . 10/15/2012
Oh my god Nate is so stupid! Her fault? He is the one who started all this mess to begin with and he took her ring and necklace!
Les Cadeaux chapter 32 . 9/4/2012
I feel like that was directed at me a lot since I was the only one who criticized you and I do feel bad every time I criticize people because I hate the feeling of being criticized and I also don't know how people will take it. I know that you were trying something different and I am thankful that I can read a new chapter, but that's just my opinion. I realize that authors do things certain ways and that they have a reason for it, but sometimes it doesn't get across to everyone. I was saying in my other review that maybe everything should happen in that chapter, so I get that you do it for a reason that I may not understand and I would like to understand. I'm not trying to be mean here; I really do appreciate that you did write a chapter, but to me it was confusing and a lot of the time I feel like I'm the only who feels that way because it's like everyone else thought that character was right and I thought the other character was right. It was weird since there was this one story that I thought everyone should be killed in that group and everyone was saying no she shouldn't be killed since she's so innocent and that one of their friends was soul mates with her and it actually came back to bite them that they didn't kill her, so I was actually right. I don't really know how this has to do with anything, but yeah. I'm sorry if I offended you and I really don't know what else to say. Maybe, it was for everyone after all. Please update soon. Au revoir.
daddyslittleprincess123 chapter 32 . 9/3/2012
This chapter was really good! I like how you could practically follow each person's train of thoughts just by the way you explained everything when you wrote it. It's funny to me how the only people who are conflicted are the two people who, to me, belong together, Alex and Nate. I definitely agree with Alexis in the sense that Nate is fickle and that he has some growing up to do. Oddly, this chapter had Alex more on my good side than Nate.. I like how you kind of humanized Alexis in this chapter. She didn't seem quite so inhuman and intolerable. She was actually kind of relatable in a way. I felt bad for her, but I'm happy that she's doing what's best for her. I've been feeling in the past few chapters that it was only a matter of time before Nate and Alexis were over.. and I'm certainly glad! :) I liked how you kind of gave a voice to "the other side" of infidelity in this chapter with Alexis. You made me see how the people who commit the crime and break up the marriages are humans too, and like every other person in the world, they're only trying to do what is best for them. I was glad to see that there is nothing down the road for Lucas and Alex. Although I always thought Lucas seemed sweet, Alex belongs with Nate. :)
Overall, this was an excellent chapter! I honestly can't wait for the next one. I can't wait to see what happens with Nate and Alex!
Ashleigh chapter 32 . 9/2/2012

I just had to say that before I read this. I almost peed my pants when I got an email saying that you added a new chapter! WOOT WOOT!(:

I can't believe the end is near.):
my actual review will be posted later on.

Les Cadeaux chapter 32 . 9/2/2012
First of all, I'm glad you got a chapter out. Although, I'm slightly confused by this chapter, but that could be because I haven't read the story as a whole in awhile. But, my main thought that kept coming up is that everything is coming out in this one chapter and it seems overwhelming like where did all this come from. Then again back to me not reading it recently, it might have been needed to come out in this chapter. It just seems like everything is happening and everyone is sharing their thoughts like Alex sharing her feelings with Lucas, Alexis saying why she is with Nate, Alexis accusing Mitchie, Alexis breaking up with Nate, Lucas is kind of with someone maybe, Mitchie is blaming Alex, Alexis saying that she realized Nate was in love with Alex, Alex is jealous of Kaylin, Lucas realizes he can't be with Alex, and etc. Do you see how it's a lot to put in one chapter and it's not really explained? It also just seems like they have more thoughts than other chapters which you said, but it seems kind of off. Now, I'm going to talk about specific points. It's like where did this jealous, angry side of Alex come from and then I question Alexis is actually being nice, but of course she becomes mean again and then she becomes perceptive of who Nate wants. It's like back and forth and I'm not sure who she is and previously Alexis is not really portrayed as a dynamic character. I also don't know if it seemed like Alex really liked Lucas before this chapter, but then again I feel like I have to read this story again. The one thing I'm sure about is that it is a lot to follow and I feel like one chapter should focus on maybe two or three major things at the most. Grammatically, you put him in the beginning of the sentence and it should be he. I feel like I need to read chapter like two times more plus all the other chapters and then I will review again. I think it's because they don't really share a lot about themselves in other chapters, so it's like why are they having these thoughts. I feel like what I'm saying is somewhat confusing and I'm not saying it as I want to, but I mean I did like that it was long and I really did miss the characters. I feel like I'm being so mean and very repetitive which makes it worse. I really do hope you update soon because I'd really be devastated if you didn't continue.
Les Cadeaux chapter 31 . 8/13/2012
It does make sense because no one can truly plan out every detail of a story and have all that work together because when it's written it could be choppy, confusing, and just when someone reads it the story might not sound right. Well, I did say I was sixteen so you can see if that's close to your age. It's true that I haven't exactly explored the world that much even compared to others my age because I have been focused on school. I mean I didn't even talk to any boys until I was in ninth grade and never had a lot of friends until seventh grade. I guess it's the shy part of me. I do feel like I accept what others believe, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to believe it. I think the word not was not supposed to be in there, but I mean there's always a possiblity that I could fall in love with someone who's not a Christian. Then again, it's hard to explain because that doesn't mean that I should be with him and I mean there's nothing to forgive if he 's not a Christian. I mean forgiveness is only for people who did something wrong and I think you mean I should accept him for who he is and then that is fine. When I was younger like seven, I never understood why I could have friends that weren't Christians, but I couldn't have a husband that wasn't a Christian. I learned it's because I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him and make some of the most important decisions of my life with him. I'm not saying that people who don't share the same religion don't have the same values because someone who is Catholic and someone who is Protestant could share the same values, but my mom always said that the one thing they need to believe is that Jesus is the son of God because I think only reformed Catholics believe that or something and I'm probably wrong. Abstinence is just an example and wasn't the only value I believed in. People who are true Christians will live their life by the Bible and what God wants with their life and those are the values I believe in. I don't believe there is any person who is not a true Christian that believes that. It doesn't matter what kind of Christian someone is because there are several things Christians need to believe and live by that makes them a true Christian. There are people who say that they are Christians and just aren't because they pick and choose what to live by and an example would be gays. I'm not against people who are gay, but then again I'm not going to support them as much as I can or something like that. There are also some people who can't help being gay like they've tried not to be and Christians can't be critizing them and everything. Christians get a bad reputation, but there are people who are true Christians that are helping the world. There was this one guy who built this small hospital in one of the poorer countries in Africa and in five years he had 500,000 patients and they didn't have to pay a single cent. They also got to know God if they wanted to and our church raised 21 million dollars to help human trafficking in the worst parts of Cambodia and so many other causes because it's about helping others first before helping the church and so many churches don't do that. It's not God that's bad it's the people who are supposedly saying they are Christians and they don't tithe, they have sex before marriage, they hate gays, they value money over everything else, and they don't read the Bible. It's not my mom who really made me value the importance of abstinence; it was the Bible. I know it won't probably happen that my spouse would be my first boyfriend, but I mean people can dream. But the problem is I can't exactly tell my mom how to raise my sister or that she's being unfair to me relying on me mostly not my sister. I hope your right about my sister, but she is just cold to me most of the time like saying I embarrassed her while we did cross country. It's hard to get past all those hateful comments and think that time can change something that's been slowly happening for almost ten years. I mean we're not going to be there for her after she turns eighteen because we're moving and she's not likely moving with us. Everyone who knows the true her says that she is just mean and spiteful. You know it makes me so happy that you were impressed with my story and it's fine whenever you reply. I'm glad that I help you keep writing. You really have helped so much with my writing and all the comments you have made I've realized mostly all of them were true even though I didn't see it at the time. Please update soon. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes and also I started school today. I am so tired since I did cross country after school in 107 degree weather for two hours. Bye.
Les Cadeaux chapter 31 . 8/11/2012
Yesterday, I checked your author's page and I was so happy to see that you are going to update the story soon. I'm sorry for just talking about my problems and everything. I just get mad and I feel like I have to tell someone, but I guess it's better talking to someone I don't know personally. I'm sure that I'll love the next chapter you put up and I hope it doesn't take another six months, but there was this author who didn't update for five years. So, it gives me hope that some stories that that haven't been updated in two years might actually get updated. Bye, I probably won't be able to send you a review that is very long for your next chapter because school starts in two days and that means my life will consist of getting up at four, doing homework, going to school, running for cross country, doing homework, going to bed, and then doing the same for the next day and so on. Saturday, I'll have meets for cross country, going to church, and doing homework. Sunday, I might actually get some time to do whatever probably not because of homework, I have to do community service, and work on the essay for IB. It'd be great if you could update tomorrow, but whenever is fine.
Les Cadeaux chapter 31 . 7/31/2012
I'm just tired of my sister right now. My mom and she went to the doctors because of something that could have been serious, but thankfully wasn't. Then my sister, who is fifteen, is arguing that it is none of her business to know what is happening medically and by now both of us know that there is no use in arguing a lot because it leads to so much more pain and she will always argue that she is right and that we are wrong. That is how every argument goes or that she is never the one to be blamed. It's either me or my mom never her. So, my mom doesn't say anything and then my sister says that she is acting like a child who is fifteen not her. She comes up with these illogical arguments, but nonetheless the comments are horrible. I just wish mom would do something about it because I mean arguing is not going to do anything and my sister always argues to do something or not do something and it always seems like she gets what she wants even though it usually takes a while until she does get it. My mom always says sorry to me, but I just wish she would do something. My mom finally realizes it's not her being a teenager, but something that will be in her adulthood if something serious doesn't happen. I'm just tired of this and wish at times that I could be so far from my sister. Sorry, I just needed to say this. Bye.
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