Reviews for When Michael Met Mose
joim chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Love it! Great job
shadixfox chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
This put a giant smile on my face. I absolutely loved the beginning...and the middle...and the end. 3 Through and through, this was a lovely fic.
Emily92 chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
This was great. I think telling the story in little sections like you did was effective, as was using the present tense. I laughed when Michael asked Dwight of that was a ghost. And I loved this part:

It's a guy. Dressed in clothes like the pictures, he's crying on the floor of a bedroom and Dwight scolds him in a language Michael decides must be Amish or something.

"He feels bad for the crying man, and feeling compelled by an invisible force, Michael walks into the room and crouches next to him. Dwight stops talking and stares dumbfounded at his boss.

"There, there." Michael pats his back, and even though the man says nothing, when he looks at Michael, there's gratitude in his eyes.

"This is my cousin Mose." Dwight introduces."