Reviews for Reunited Once More
Aira Aura chapter 18 . 12/29/2017
what happen next?
Lyrissa Artemick chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
And why is Minato calling Yukari 'senpai'? Aren't they in the same year?
Lyrissa Artemick chapter 18 . 12/28/2016
I have a slight idea on how to complete these. PM me if you want to know it.
Lyrissa Artemick chapter 1 . 12/20/2016
Can you explain? I'm confused.
Rittie chapter 17 . 12/2/2015
Are you making a sequel or just updating again? Don't leave me hanging! :(
Rittie chapter 6 . 12/2/2015
Loving this so far! Please, don't abandon it! :3
Guest chapter 16 . 11/27/2015
This is really interesting! I love how you made both MCs twins :-) It seems a bit rushed at times, but that's okay. Are you going to continue this? I'm looking forward to what will happen next! Hopefully the mystery of the repeat of the year and the return of the Dark Hour will be solved
Aira Aura chapter 16 . 8/8/2015
What happen next?
I chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
can u make a fanfic about minako x minato please ?
or maybe a love triangle about minato x minako x souji ?
if its ok with you ? :)
IarIz chapter 16 . 10/29/2012
its a good fic... good plot ... great idea indeed
but theres some unclearthing and it confusing like repeating year but not feel strange (except SEES member but they not clearly remember maybe coz theyre involve directly with The Fall), ikutsuki fate, about people death (mitsurus father and shinjiro, SEES keep killing full moon shadow even thought they know about The Fall and death inside arisatos sibling, The Fall still come even thought minato already become The Greatseal
and about minato and minako behave but since you have time skip its allright

lastly i say "keep up the good work" b
Toon663 chapter 16 . 8/8/2012
Hmm... A story that has a very alternate ending to Minato, sad but I hope you can still update, i mean I'm not the only one right? This would be a great story if you could wrap it up.
homofrost chapter 16 . 9/10/2011
Update please!
Patcheresu chapter 8 . 9/1/2010
Yay updates! It's nice to see that no one is abandoning their persona stories. Keep up the good work for us P3 fans. Also:

Have you noticed that when Persona 3 was released, mild, understandable amounts of H were across Japanese imageboards, while when Persona 3 Portable came out, MINAKO overshadowed the CANON Minato as the official mascot of Persona 3. In ratio to artwork and such in Japan, no one gives two shits about Minato anymore. Why? Japan is more open-minded to H and they just swim in the rules of the internet. As such, if a boy gets turned into a girl, there is less of a chance he'll EVER become a boy again permanently. Like Ranma 1/2. When will Ranma remove the curse? He hates it, because it enacts one of his worst fears, getting raped and knocked up and the horrible feeling of what will happen if he touches cold water in 9 months. Nothing good, I assure you.

Also, girls are more creative than guys, but guys are more innovative. It's a balance. So in the arts, you can expect to see more girls than guys. And how many men you know like to draw Minako and Akihiko in a steamy embrace? Not many.

So yeah, Minako/Hamuko is more popular than her canon brother. And all it was to begin with was just an alternate universe made to appeal to girls more. Now look where we are. :)
tastebuds chapter 8 . 8/31/2010
I just wanted to point out that the teacher for the sports is Ms. Kanou, not Ms. Terauchi. This also ties in with Rio and Kenji, since Rio likes Kenji and he likes Ms. Kanou. I can't remember if you're going with P3:FES or P3P. I just wanted to point that out.

Good chapter though!
Patcheresu chapter 7 . 8/24/2010
This story is sub-par. I'll put it that way. It isn't epic like SamJaz's FES. It isn't humorous as other stories. But I WILL give you you points for speech. Why does everyone seem to think that everyone in SEES is as formal as Mitsuru? I'm glad you've showed me something different. Also, I've noticed Minako's dominance tick. She's jealous of Minato socially while Junpei was jealous of everything about Minato. I like this, adds a bit of character development. Also, whatever happened to THOU ART I, AND I ART THOU...MAGICIAN RANK UP...MAH BITCH?
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