Reviews for Monster
Babethetacostho chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
Omg that's so adorable
Collaborative Lady chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
Yeah, ok, that... is semi strange that he's blatantly kissing in view of his organs and he's so very accepting of that. Erm. Trying to wrap my head around the acceptance - it's weird because I am accepting of it, and I don't know why. Squinting. Perplexed. But loved how it turned out. Loved Spirit. Loved Stein. Yay.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
Haha that was so twistedly hot! XD I ADORE this pairing! XD
fullwingedpen chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
This was deliciously dark, and I loved every word.
spinninground chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
I reviewed this, didn't I? I've read it thrice, after all. And I favorited it, right? no? Well, I'll find out after I click the (now blue) button.

Succinctly, this is my favorite SteinxSpirit story. It's perfect for them - after all, after the comedy and general idiocy are over, madness does tend to be a pretty twisted thing. And Spirit is a wounded character in his own right, no matter how much that's played for laughs. And this, it's funny like cackles ricocheting off of bare walls, and intimate in a way that a simple lemon generally doesn't achieve for this pairing. So thanks, and have a nice day!
BeyondMyReach chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Creepily hot. Spirit is such a strange being and I laughed when I saw how he found his meister. It's strange to think of Spirit being calm even when waking and finding himself to be dissected, yet it is utterly believable. The ending... unpredictable, but amazing. Now I'm off to read your other fics.
gillykat chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
it was funny at first then it grew ,but im not really into more stein/marie.
princess of Las Noches chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
god i was listening to "insanity" the whole way through. it all gave me chills cause the song fits stein perfectly.

for those of you who want to know it it's here: www. youtube watch?featureendscreen&v 6PHpCywCcIA&NR1

just get rid of all the stupid spaces, and you will have your mind's blown by steins' unofficial theme XDDDDD

the whole story made me grin in such a creepy way cause you kept them in character so well XDDDDD i loved this so much thanks for writing

love love love XD
Taronil chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
Daww, that was so cute, in an absolutely creepy way. Which is good, because anything with good old Dr. Stein should be relatively creepy.

I'm kind of new to this pairing (Which is probably because I just finished Soul Eater) and you've absolutely blown my mind as a kick-off for it. So basically I wanted to say that this was a really awesome one-shot, and I'm now going to stalk your other stories. ...In an uncreepy way, naturally.

I look forward to reading more of your stories, bye~
LovelessRain0397 chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I liked it

the whole 'i like you' and monster thing reallg kept me glued to fhe fic!
SpaceKatEyes chapter 1 . 8/10/2011
Great story! it's so smexy and a creepy sort of way X3 I love it!

Going to my faves 3
CrispyCurls chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
The ending sent chills up my spine. I just adored this story so much! The way you got Stein's character and personality was amazing, it was so in character ! Same with Spirit.

Amazing. Instant favorite.
Siela Mist9x chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
I have never read something that was so creepy and smexy at the same time before XD. How is it that this was your first, you did so well at capturing Stein's and Spirit's mind.
Sejour Avec Moi chapter 1 . 6/1/2011
So jealous. (Also you're a fellow Canadian hurray!)

My mind of exploded when I reached the end. Tell me you've written more of this delicious pairing?

(It is also my Soul Eater OTP)
Backlite chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
"we're all monsters, aren't we?" 3 Awesome story
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