Reviews for Ivan's Letters to the World
RaisinContradiction chapter 3 . 1/31/2015
is it only for rel countries? and can we readers write a letter in return?
EVA LONDON chapter 42 . 7/7/2014
I wuv juicy juice
EVA LONDON chapter 18 . 7/4/2014
I was playing around with Bing translator it was fun!
EVA chapter 17 . 7/3/2014
They are indeed comfortable but not the same colour as mine thought that is stealing
EVA LONDON chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
I'm so writing this Russian down
Chess-Blackfyre chapter 27 . 2/2/2014
Hello Russia,

I am Wisconsin, one of America's 50 states (I'm the one who looks like a left mitten, thus Alfred gave me the nickname 'Mittens'). I'm German and Norwegian so I've always been close to Onkle (Uncle) Ludwig and Uncle Lukas. Anyway, Uncle Mattie talks about you so I was curious and decided to write to you. My main industry is Dairy and that's basically all I'm known for.

I'm sorry to hear about your relationship with your sisters, as I've practically been smothered with siblings my entire life I can't completely relate, but there's one thing to be thankful for- I used to live with 29 of my siblings and there was only ONE outhouse.

As for your sister trying to marry you... Yikes. The closest thing I can relate to is Minnesota was going through puberty and started giving me weird looks. (It's fine now, we just fight a lot during American football season). Though I've noticed that she's been getting close to Al recently (not part of letter: AmeBel is my fav OTP).

Anyway, talk to you later.

Elise H. Jones
Hyasinth chapter 114 . 3/12/2013
Hello Russia,
I am going to repeat myself again. I figured that maybe if I sent you a letter, you might listen. So, here it is.


Guest chapter 88 . 1/9/2013
A dude
borialis chapter 19 . 8/24/2012
Are people actually writing these letters and sending them in? it feels insanely strange to do so... cam you tell me for reals? cuz i kinda wanna write one...
Tragedy of Life chapter 2 . 1/26/2012
Defiant Souldier chapter 9 . 12/19/2011
Okay first off I just want to say hi, my name is V. Second, yes it is just V. Not short for anything. Third, so far this story if gut wrenchingly hysterical. And lastly I was wondering if you had a chapter where Alaska sent Russia a letter.
Archeogeist chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
Dear Ivan ()

Uh, hehe... um...

You probably don't know me, seeing as almost no one does. Not even dad really remembers me... Canada and Alaska do, though. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get together... and try to kill the General sometime? My motto: Snow belongs in cones, Ice belongs in cream. Neither of them belong on the ground.

see you soon~

Nicole D. Jones (Minnesota)
Arsenic Snowflake chapter 1 . 11/25/2011

Pryvet Ivan, I know how early it is for you so I should make this a quick one before I crash..(Stupid 4 hour time zone difference..)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the next meeting is held in Moscow, isn't it? Well, please with all do respect, please don't attempt to rip off America's head when he starts speaking. I know it's difficult, but it's best for all the others, including myself, if you refrain from violence. The mertings are violent enough as it is, anyway..

Hope you are well and goodnight (morning),


(To the author; when I said 4 hour time zone difference, I mean from England to Russia it's a difference of four hours. Hopefully that clears it for you, if it doesn't, I'm sorry..)
Project Jelp chapter 123 . 10/25/2011
Dear Ivan

Sup! Im Gloucester. If you dont know where I am located than you should grab a map of america than find a magnifying glass than look at massachusettes than find the city/village of gloucester. Ya, I am that unheard of! Im even worse than Canada! I mean, Im America's Oldest fishing port! The least people can do is awknoledge me! Anyways, I dont know if you talk to small people like the cities of America but if you do than I just want to say this: TELL AMERICA THAT IF HE DOESNT AWKNOLEDGE ME THAN IM BREAKING OFF AND IM GOING TO FLOAT AWAY AND BECOME ONE WITH YOU! Yup, I think thats a good threat for America. Now he has to Awknoledge me! YAY!~


GLOUCESTER, oldest fishing port in the USA

Shiko Yes this is really me chapter 121 . 9/24/2011
Err. . . I can't write a reply for this. XD I don't know how too. XD
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