Reviews for Stray
WhoCares chapter 8 . 10/5
At this point you don't even need to wish a plague upon us. You couldn't throw anything worse than Covid.
Blueishfood chapter 16 . 3/4
Holy fuck
This might be the best sirius fanfic i have ever read siriously (pun intended) and the end was just super realistic even though i wish it would have ended with her meeting all his mates and waiting for him till after azcaban and then him walking back into the diner 20 years later and... well this was more realistic and a lot sader. I love it though! Your writing is amazing
Guest chapter 16 . 11/8/2019
WHAT?! SEQUEL PLEASE?! I know you wrote this like a decade ago and probable aren’t active much anymore, but please please please write a sequel to this story! It was such a good story, I didn’t expect the ending, and now I want to write fanfiction for the fanfiction! The sequel could be her remembering anyway because she loves him, or maybe she keeps dreaming about him or something?! ?
gl0riana chapter 16 . 3/4/2019
oh lord what a wonderful story! sirius was so well characterized and i loved him with eliza... it's a (necessary) shame he had to obliviate her. great writing though!
dumblestark chapter 16 . 5/3/2018
that was unexpected but I probably should have expected it. oh well no use crying over spilled tears, oops I already had. anyways that was a ride, you made the story flow so fluidly and I love the way you described things. wow that was great. off to your oliver wood ff then
iLoveThisStory chapter 16 . 4/6/2018
Omg i cried at the end. I absolutely love the ending because its so believable and definitely something sirius would do. I think im in love with all your stories and i have read all of them.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/5/2018
Nice story! You’re a good writer. Sad ending. :(
FrostKing21 chapter 16 . 1/10/2018
So thats it? Thats the story? You set me up, there is no more? no sequel?
Marry chapter 16 . 1/6/2018
I came back to this novel. 7 years and it was always in the back of my head. Always lingering there, making me think, wonder, want more, yet left with me with a finality and extreme nostalgia. I had forgotten the name of this fic, or the plot, just remembered a story which is worth remembering and how it made me feel. I also remembered the colour of her house was which was yellow. I could have found this fic earlier if I had really tried, but I think I needed those 7 years to get over my first heartbreak before I could read it again. I want there to be a sequel, a love like this shouldn't go wasted, but there cannot be a better ending then the one you already gave. I hate and love you for it! Thanks for your words.
mbob4980 chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
Whhhhhyyyyyyyy! It’s past midnight and I’m crying my eyes out. Someone needs to write a fanfiction on this fanfiction. Beautifully done. It will take me a while to get over the heartbreak
perfectperplexity chapter 16 . 5/24/2017
youve killed me, thank you :,)
galacticmagic chapter 16 . 5/13/2017
Read a lot of your work in high school and thanks to some strong nostalgia, I found it again as I graduate University. Cheers, mate.
Just Crucio It chapter 16 . 4/12/2017
I don't have much to say, but I wanted you to know that I absolutely loved reading this.
MsSweetSerialKiller chapter 16 . 3/18/2017
brutal I am dead
Call me Bessie chapter 16 . 3/8/2017
Oh, my word. That was beautiful.
Thank you for your take on Sirius. It's wonderful to have a break from the ever-suave, ever-smirking womanizer that people seem to see him as (what is it about fanfiction in which all the characters' traits are either grossly exaggerated or completely ignored?).
Thank you for a more realistic romance, that took time to develop and wasn't of the "crash and burn, then get up and burn again just as intensely" variety.
Thank you for a realistic OC, who wasn't especially beautiful, wasn't simpering, wasn't perfect. Thank you for creating a human.
Thank you for your realistic end to the story. However much part of me is screaming "I don't care how much it would cheapen the story, I want a happy ending, dangit!" I appreciate that you took the relationship to its logical (and canonical) conclusion: It had to end, and if Eliza knew about magic she couldn't remember it.
All in all, thank you. Despite and even because of my heart being torn asunder by this, it's truly refreshing, engaging, and enjoyable.
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