Reviews for The Final Plan
neeniya chapter 10 . 11/8/2016
Oh this is is such a good story. I really hope you'll pick this up again some day!
You've got so many things going on here, like why Vlad thought it'd be a good idea to drop Danny off at walkers prison, and what was up with the look he gave Danny? Did he know something bad was going to happen? He did say this would teach Danny that he needs Vlad's help, so it'd make sense. And then there's Sam,Tucker, and Jazz, they were supposedly going to go into the ghost zone, were they already on their way or did Dan them to it? And what in the heck was Tucker doing that was so secret?

Anyways, enough questions, this is a really good fic. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Godly Phantom chapter 10 . 12/13/2013
Oh oh! What will happen next? Please continue!
Magic Cabbage chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
This is a really great story. Please update! :)
Hornswaggler chapter 10 . 1/31/2011
Oh the foreshadowing inspired by that last line...XD

I can see how the Fenton Portal would be more likely to vanish. Vlad's was all researched and he had plans to go off of. Jack just kinda threw it together and it happened to work. -shrug- Interesting twist!

(And it's Butch Hartman, by the way. :3 Not a big deal, but I thought I'd point it out.)


Guest chapter 9 . 1/28/2011
awww, poor danny! _ :)
pearl84 chapter 9 . 1/23/2011
Wow. I honestly did not expect Evil Phantom in this story. It's quite a twist, and now I am really wondering what your planning for this story. There are so many questions unanswered, and now adding Dan into the mix... Well, it might not be something Vlad was expecting in his own little plans.

But I wonder, out of times to escape, why now? I mean, could it really be pure coincidence that Dan escapes now when Vlad is in the middle of his ultimate plot?

Like I said, lots of mystery! I'm very intrigued and I can't wait to read more! Keep up the awesome work!

irelevant chapter 8 . 1/17/2011
_ cliffie... :(
I amm Groot chapter 8 . 1/17/2011
wow awesome chapter what a great twist i cant wait till the next chapter!:)
Hornswaggler chapter 8 . 1/16/2011

Kay, so excuse my uber fangirlness for a moment...but you just brought in my ALL TIME FAVORITE character from the show. No joke. I - literally - said 'squee' and did a little happy dance. Thank you! ... I...I love you. -insert GIR voice there-

Aaah, I'm excited now. You're one of the few authors who I feel could pull him off well. (Notice I refrain from using the name, on the VERY SMALL CHANCE someone else doesn't know. XD) The whole sinister, sadistic, CREEPY dude, and I'm totally excited to see what you do with him.

-deep breath- Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little bit of a raving phangirl. '

I cannot WAIT for the next chapter! 8D Though, knowing your love for suspense, I can see it starting off with Sam and Tucker or something of similar cruelty. x3

Many kudos to this, I am indeed in suspense.

GollaG chapter 8 . 1/16/2011
Wow, when you say revamped, you mean it. I had trouble keeping the last one strait. This one is an awesome story so far, and I've had no trouble following it.
Hornswaggler chapter 7 . 1/9/2011
Heh, "He has ghost powers, for one." XD Yeah, that makes a bit of a difference.

Excellent chapter. 3 I betcha Vlad had something to do with the whole...funny shifty thing in the Ghost Zone. SUSPENSE, it kills me!

(in reply to your review reply) -insert DP style 'Pshh' here- I'm not that great. Out of the three I'm writing, I only know where one story is headed. xD The others are just...made up as I go.

Many kudos to ya again!

Hornswaggler chapter 6 . 1/1/2011
Kay, so this is totally awesome. :3 You do Vlad well, in his creepy 'I want to kill your father and to do that I'll lock you in a ghost prison. NOW will you be my son?' sorta way.

The whole thing with him becoming less human...that's creepin' me out. o_o It makes sense; after all, if the body has an easier route (in his case going ghost instead of dealing with the pain as a human) it'll take it. He's just...adapting. And that's creepy.

Many kudos to ya! I can't wait for the next chapter!


(PS: From what you have so far, I think you could scrape by with a T rating. It depends on what's still to come, though. :3)
Heracelio chapter 4 . 10/30/2010
A interresting story if you plan something along side the fact Danny's is stuck in prison. (like Vlad murdering Jack and miserably failing just like when he try to stole the Fenton ghost portal XD)

Nice angst, i'm depressed now(DX)hope Danny will get them back for all this (something really evil for Skulker and Walker, like let alone in a cage full of their victims, ghost as animals ghosts)

Update soon pliz, but keep up the good work before that!

Don't worry if your chapter are not long, make more & shorter of them if you need so, but all it count is that we stay hooked up on it.
Jacky the Ripper chapter 4 . 10/19/2010
I fail, i cant figure out what show your refferencing. Oh, and is ghostwriter in this fic? Ciz he rocks!
Jacky the Ripper chapter 3 . 10/11/2010
i like the prison twist, that was pretty cool and unforseen, keep up the chaps please.
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