Reviews for Bright
Komorebi-chama chapter 2 . 1/24/2016
So sad, I almost cry...but I love this pairing so much, and their story is so beautifully sad
Did you know that there is a way in the game in which you can save them? I haven't tried it yet, but I read it in fireemblemwod, I hope it works :D
Your story is great so it goes to my favs
Mark-Kris Robin Lancer chapter 2 . 5/23/2015
First chapter: so freaking adorable

First half, second chapter: still too freaking adorable

Last half, second chapter: look at my feels. See how broken they are. Look how bloody they are. *sobs insanely in a dark corner*
ViolaHarmony chapter 2 . 4/1/2013
That was so sweet! Very sad at the end, but the tragedy was inevitable. It also felt very true to the fairy tale/medieval setting. I don't know much about this game, but I saw Ethlin and Cuan on the Awakening Spot Pass bonus teams. They intrigued me, so I looked into them a little bit and found this story. Well done! :)
SIGF chapter 2 . 2/14/2011
Awww I really loved your story!

There's something about Ethlin/Cuan - I'm not sure what or why - but there's something that makes them an absolutely lovable couple, and one of my favorites of the FE series, even though in the game they start off married. Usually it's the developing of the relationship that sucks you in for the shipping, but I somehow got sucked in my these two anyway.

So, with all that said, it was really nice to see you create that scenario, of the start of their relationship, and such an adorable one at that. Also, the whole story was very beautifully written. You especially handled their tragic end very well. It was like a punch in the gut. (I mean that in a good way!)

Anyway, great story! Thanks for writing, and sharing.
Betsu Ne chapter 2 . 8/26/2010
Beautiful. I seldom read Cuan/Ethlin fics, nor do they have many of those. It's nice to see a change of pace and see a Seisen fic around. Even more rarely do I review on stories, as I am more often found reading them, and savoring them and I move on. I'm more one for reading than writing. This two-shot was too interesting to ignore though.

I read both chapters in two different sittings, so I'm biased in the way that I like the first better. Perhaps I prefer happier stories to the tragic ending. Chapter 5 was a horrible chapter for me to play through. I never really hated Trabant though. I'm more or less sympathetic to the country of Thracia. As a side note, I had always suspected that Cuan was more than a mere five years difference to her, but age doesn't matter in love, and I need to pay mind what age they live in.

As for the real part of the review: You do well in terms of grammar and spelling; I didn't find any mistakes, and if there were, they were well covered by your excellent way of telling their story. Just some small nitpicking though, you do tend to use ly words a lot, but don't pay too much to what I say. In terms of plot and characters, excellent! They all seemed very in character, and I enjoy how you write Sigurd especially. Plot-wise, it would've been nice if you had shown their married life like what Mark of the Asphodel said, but I do understand that this is a two-shot. Ethlin dying last; for most players, Ethlin dies first and then Cuan. It's strange how Cuan has a reaction to Ethlin's death, but Ethlin doesn't have one to Cuan's. It's different to see Ethlin pass second, although I've had it occur in one of my playthroughs before. Overall, this story is one of the best Seisen fics I have read.

If you could let on how you found the ages of the characters (I use Serenesforest a lot, but I've never seen the ages listed; I too have read the manga although I do not recall if it was listed there.) Not to sound like a beggar, it would help me immensely if you could pm me the location. It'd help if I were to ever write a Seisen fic at least. I've always been confused with ages, more with the second generation. For example, Sety doesn't appear younger than Celice, but aren't all of them are younger than him for the most part?

- Iris
Mark of the Asphodel chapter 2 . 8/21/2010
I was very glad to see this, as there is simply not enough Cuan/Ethlin out there in the world, and the first four chapters were a very nice build-up with all right the moments of sweetness and awkwardness. Chapter 5 was quite moving taken by itself, but I wish we could have seen some of Cuan and Ethlin's married life- how it was for them after that first night, how their relationship evolved with the births of Altenna and Leaf. Just some more context, to make the ending- from Ethlin's musings about the future to her final thoughts- even more searing.
Takamiya chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
Chapter 5 is awfull sad ;_;, I don't know for who sucks more, Ethlin and Cuan or Sigurd and...Everything that happened with him.

Damm you Trabant!Ambush an army with a HUGE ARMY OF DRAGON KNIGHTS is a thing, everyone do that, but to do this, kill Ethlin, capture Altenna and threaten Cuan to drop his only weapon? . !The worst part?We can't Hate him fully because of Thracia 776 and that he took care of ALtenna like her own daughter, BLAME YOU!

It's sad that they can't have a special convo like Celice and their parents, it would be tear jerker and heartwarming to see Leaf and/or Altenna and/or Fin talking with them.
rachelalexandra chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
Naw, so sweet and yet so sad! I love how, at the end, you were more melancholy than depressing. A difficult thing when it is this tragic.
biabarr92 chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
Yay for another FE 4 fiction, especially one containing this amazing couple!

I enjoyed this chapter very much. Sigurd teasing his little sister was especially enjoyable. All characters also seemed to fit with their personalities presented on the game. Only detail I noticed was that you said that Lester was a nights ride to Chalphy; I always had the feeling that they were a little futher away than that.

Also, the ages that are in serenes forest were set by Oosawa in her manga. I believe that these ages are correct, and I also use them myself. Oosawa also released character heights, birth months, zodiac signs, blood types, ect. (these pages are still in Japanese, but if you want to know it you can find them in the manga(I was only able to figure out the birth month, height, and zodiac sign for most characters))
Bizz chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
I loved this fic. Please keep writting this! All characters were in character, and overall it was well written.

Thank you for writting about my favorite G1 couple! Please write more about them.
Takamiya chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
That's a history about the most badass character in FE Universe?

Ethlin and Cuan are just awesome, the cutest, lovely-dovely couple, Miss Ethlin-Devil-Luck that can Screw the rul...Ahem, the RNG Godess(Dodge like hell withou prayer?BADASS!) and Cuan with Holy Crazy Gaebolg!:D, and If I start with their amazing sons...

I don't know why you seem pissed, I find this quite good, I can see Ethlin acting like this, and Sigurd is a good, teasing big brother. _

I can't wait to see more, and you are 4 needs MOAR love, that's the best storyline from FE ever!Through I just wanted Ethlin and Cuan to survive D:, Oh, well, I can make Leaf(Or Fin) kick Trabant's butt for this(REVENGE!)