Reviews for The Punishment
Guest chapter 19 . 9/5/2016
it was a unique story and I loved the pairing . why would I not?...I am a dramione fan!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
Draco should've said. "You're busting people's eardrums, Granger!
Musette Fujiwara chapter 19 . 10/5/2010
I loved it...

I liked how draco acted in the end... Like the saying if you love something then set it free if returns is yours to keep...
Nicole chapter 19 . 6/1/2005
I like how it ended! It was so...BEAUTIFUL!

No, I really liked it!
Nicole chapter 2 . 6/1/2005
O... Juicy!
Princess JB chapter 7 . 3/18/2005
Mariel Flint chapter 18 . 1/25/2005
I absolutely hate Draco/Hermione fics! Hermione is hideously annoying and not to mention, ugly! I abhor her. I much prefer Ginny/Draco fics. I'm off to find a better story and a better author at that!

Mariel Flint
ali-lou chapter 19 . 6/28/2004
I am a MASSIVE H/Hr fan, and I would just like to say that I'm really sorry you see us in such a negative way. Come on death threats are probly just in jest anyway, right?

"How could anyone start reading a story and ignore blatantly any clues, and be convinced that it will end JUST the way they like it? What’s the point of reading, if you are never surprised, never react or think about what you read?

There’s stories for people like you angry H/Hr fans… they’re called "fluff". One chapter, OOC, pointless stories that will give you a quick shot of happy H/Hr goodness, and you can go off without worrying that there could be others thinking otherwise."

This is something you said that really got to me...I like to know that what I'm reading will ultimately be H/Hr but that doesn't make me any less credible as a reader and reviewer, It definitely doesn't make me appreciate the story more either

I love your work and I just wanted to say that...don't let a few rotten apples spoil the whole bunch or whatever that expression is...

PS I know it's not one sided and I can see that a few H/Hr fans might be like that but that is an problem within themselves, a random coincidence relating to human nature that has nothing to do with what pairings they prefer.

H/Hr fans; I hope you guys see that manners will earn you the most respect! Don't give us a bad rep
CarEtoDreaM chapter 19 . 6/19/2004
i haf nothing against for changing this to a d/hr fic. i just needed to comment about the whole sirius death thing.

i probalby would've felt a little bit better if his death had had a little more meaning to it. i mean come on now, the guy fell through a freaking VEIL! and it was completely STUPID! there was nothing climatic abt it, and i basically hated it that she killed off sirius in that way. any other way, and a whole bunch of us would have been a little more understanding... it's just the way that she killed off such a wonderful character... yeah sorry this took up a lot of room and probalby made no sense *shrugs* its just my opinion tho, you may or may not agree with me. i just think sirius deserved a better ending if he was going to die.
Taylor chapter 18 . 1/8/2004
Hey thurr- I loved ur story- it was so cool- i hope u write more- ur a good writer- ever think of taking that into career?-anyway-good story!
Mariah chapter 19 . 11/11/2003
LiLbLueangeL chapter 19 . 9/4/2003
i absolutely loved your story! it was soo interesting that i didn't want to stop reading. Please email me if you have the time... thanks
Syth Colbalt chapter 18 . 8/13/2003
*Sniff* Oh my...I cried when I read this. That's the first time I've ever cried when reading a fanfiction. *Wipes tears from eyes* Sheesh...I'm goin' soft, eh? Well...I love this. That's all I can say. It's goin' to my favorites list, and so are you. *Smiles weakly* Good job...
divinewhimsy chapter 18 . 7/23/2003
Wow, I loved this it was perfect, it fitted and everything made sense just as soon as I finished reading this last chapter to the story.

I'm a harry/hermione fan, but I can stray away from thier fics completely amd read others, so of course I was happy bout this being harry/hermione, but in the end I was also cheering for draco and hermione to get together.

-So in other words I loved the twist. (It also seemed to make sense that hermione and draco would get together since lily and james got together after they were locked in that room.)

I look forward to your other draco/hermione stories as well as your harry/hermione stories, on one last note I have to thank you for making me like the ship draco/hermione again! (Its a long story)

Once again great story-


(Dana Dancer)
iwasateenager chapter 18 . 7/21/2003
Perfect ending sums it up nicely.
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