Reviews for Sweet Dreams
TheRobberBridegroom chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
Dear author,

I loved your story.
Plain, simple love.

The dream was so awesome!
Little Rock and Wichita were kinder and were normal for once. The part about Columbus and Tallahassee being a couple and ( what sounding like ) raising Buck together was too cute!

Nice descriptions of the scene as well, if only it was true though.

God bless you and your writings.
Thank you for all you do and write,

Your reader,
Azariah Everest Luciano chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
This was absolutely beautiful! It would be fantastic if there was a fic written about his dream, but made it reality! Anyways, I loved it and thought you should know! :D
Taisi chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
Hnn, poor Collie. That's exactly what I go through. Sometimes I think I'll remember something that had to have been part of a dream, but it's gone before I can really grasp it.

Ehh, anywho. There is AlWAYS plenty of room for a good Talumbus fic. :3 Thanks for sharing!
Karaoke-Kitten chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
Love it!
Victor Bride chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
Man, if only, huh?

Columbus, Buck and Tallahassee would be an adorable family. Too bad Zombieland is Zombieland and, unless my some miracle time is reversed, that beautiful little dream can never be real.

Great writing, dude. Very sad but very cute, and I loved your portrayal of the whole thing. They were perfectly in character, and the song was nice. Good fic all around. _

Except now all I can think is that I need to write that AU because the Zombieland fandom is seriously lacking AU material...
FlyteToFreedom chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
TT sad and sweet, but not bitter at all! This is an amazing short story to read, my only wish was that you told us of the song earlier so we could listen to it at the same time. Great job!
jessica499499 chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
Intresting story! I love how you wrote everyone and everything! Will there be a sequel? I'd really like to read one!
YamixYuugiLover chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Awwww...This was very sweet, yet sad at the same time! I loved it! :D I especially loved the Columbus/Buck moment. You've done a wonderful job with this one-shot! Keep up the awesome work!

And I so heart the Talumbus moments as well. XD again,this is a wonderful fic! :D