Reviews for But Home Is Nowhere
RockaRosalie chapter 3 . 7/17/2013
Paperback-Insomniac chapter 3 . 2/4/2011
i loved it! really they are a great couple (both of them)
Emily McDonald chapter 3 . 11/8/2010
I feel compelled to mention that it is your awesome video editing skills, coupled with your even more amazing writing talent, that has me shipping Nessie and Nahuel HARD. Sorry to say that I've never been a fan of Nessie with Alec, and was rather indifferent to Nahuel's character while reading BD (I felt too bad for Jacob - at least he had SOMEONE), but you, my dear, have changed all that. Your amazing video, coupled with the mental image of Logan Lerman as Nahuel and Emily Browning as an older Renesmee, immediately made me like the pairing, and your amazing fics (especially this one) only cemented it in. The movies have made me love Bella and Jacob, but oddly I still have a soft spot for Ness, and now your mini-movies and superb fics have completely soothed my conflicted emotions. :D Really, I LOVE THIS. So much so, in fact, that I went on a rant in the car this afternoon, explaining to my mother the powers that fan casting has over fandoms, and used Logan as my example. ;) So yes, you really have made my day (and also made my mom think I'm insane, although that's actually my fault, haha!). I've read this three times already, and just thought I'd drop in and tell you how much I truly adore this piece. You've created such a love in me for the pairing, in fact, that I actually feel confident enough to branch out of my usual fandom and have my creative wheels turning for a Nahuel/Nessie oneshot of some kind. That is an accomplishment, dear, let me tell you! :P And I would love it SO MUCH if you would write more of them. Just saying. ;) Absolutely phenomenal work!
AlexLovesHufflepuff chapter 3 . 9/29/2010
:( I love all your stories but I HATE Nahuel with Renesmee. I'm a official Alec/Renesmee shipper. Love the story, but I can never seem to imagine Ren with anyone but Alec.
bellylovesu16 chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
etymologiae chapter 3 . 9/5/2010
I like the realistic ending, nicely strung together.

I thought Chelsea was the one with the powers to manipulate relationships? And Renata was a physical shield? I could be wrong though.

Anyways, it was great.
reluctantreader chapter 3 . 9/5/2010
it was nice to have a kinda-sorta hea. no angst at all. love your work, as usual

Gone Gone Very Gone chapter 3 . 9/5/2010
I loved this. :)

VictoriaVenin chapter 1 . 8/26/2010
oh and I luv how you name all your stories after afi songs :)
VictoriaVenin chapter 2 . 8/26/2010
I love alec and renesmee _ update soon!
reluctantreader chapter 2 . 8/26/2010
fucking alec. he makes me so happy. you definately have the best alec i've ever read.

RunOverTheRainbow chapter 2 . 8/26/2010
Snap. Cant wait for more!
Gone Gone Very Gone chapter 2 . 8/26/2010
This is awesome! :)

etymologiae chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
Baaaah, I love it already, and I like how you portrayed Jacob.

Yeah I agree, Volterra wouldn't be my first stop either. Probably my last stop. Wait, no not even. If I were Nessie, I wouldn't go to Volterra at all lol. But then she wouldn't meet Alec and I would be sad :(

Anywho, well done, can't wait for more. :D
reluctantreader chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
...but i like when she wants to make vampy babies with alec...

anywho, i started a fic, but then i lost the plot somewhere in my head. i suddenly didn't want nessie to be part vamp...then all of a sudden i wanted to get the random stuff over with so she could met alec... THEN i realized i like your alec too much and my alec was going to be too similar. and that's how my fic died.

this is too long for a review. but as you know, i LOVE your stories and i'll be eagerly waiting to devour whatever you have to create

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