Reviews for Special Pets
Sweet Summer Heart chapter 13 . 1/2/2015
This is really really great! I hope to read more soon!
queenzulu7 chapter 1 . 9/14/2014
Hi there! I've just stumbled across your fic and *love it*! Sadly, it ends at chapter 13. Pleeease tell me you'll be writing more?!
patito chapter 13 . 1/19/2013
Interesting story keep going!
0x0UnderDog0x0 chapter 13 . 11/11/2012
I really dig this story! It'd be awesome if you wrote more, I'd definitely read it, dude.
Opera123 chapter 13 . 8/14/2012
You write very strong characters
jenefaner chapter 13 . 10/5/2011
Oh, please do continue! This is so entertaining. The humor in it, mixed with the danger is just addicting. I cant wait to get an update on it. :D
CerysKitty chapter 13 . 8/28/2011
I absolutely love it! And there's really not much more I can say tbh...

I eagerly await the next update :D
KaterinaPetrova1967 chapter 13 . 7/8/2011
Um hullo i need another chapter im going to die without it!

I friggen love this story i just read the entire thing in one hour i need more NOW!

wordlings chapter 13 . 6/14/2011
Holy mother of Victor Creed.

I just read this whole thing and i am seriously torn between being really disgusted and really excited to see what happens. No freakin joke, this is the best representation of Victor ive read in a LONG TIME.

Bloodthirsty and horrible and kind of an extremely sexy douchebag. Gotta love him. (or hate him so much you let him shave that the same?)Creepy grooming Creed FTW.

& Liliths complete but-under-recent-circumstances-NOT-so-complete indifference towards him is just presh. I guess being kidnapped twice before comes in handy, neh? Xept your previous captors werent sadistic mutant sex gods so...not as fun.

Hunting time, yah!

Gosh, i wish i was a feral.(Dont we all)[O_o]
Carly chapter 13 . 4/17/2011
This story hasn't been updated in 1000 years! Its really upsetting, because I'm sure Im not the only one who wants more! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE UPDATE!
sweetiegamer chapter 13 . 3/5/2011
Right now...I'm glaring hatefully at the lack of a next chapter button. I hate that it isn't there, I really do.

This story is, and I'm not ashamed to say it, epic beyond normal description. Not only do you write Victor -amazingly- but I've actually laughed out loud (officially) no less than a dozen times.

BrownEyedDevil, you're officially my new hero. As for muses, well, drop me an e-mail if you're a role player cause...damn. This story hits just about everything awesome with me and I'd love to chat, rp, sigh wistfully at the idea of Victor Creed done with an actor that can string together more than one sentence...

Many floaty hearts combined with heart-broken sadness that there aren't 80 chapters for me to roll around in.

ceilidh-kay chapter 13 . 2/13/2011
Ooo good chap, very intriguing :) Loooved the Redneck James Bond thing and I think you're doing a great job with her confusion. Hell I think most people in her situation would have gone completely crazy and/or given up by now so this is why I like her. Hope you can post more soon ;)

Carlypso chapter 13 . 2/4/2011
This story gets more awesome by the minute! I can't wait to read more!
LothirielSaerwen chapter 13 . 1/25/2011
Hahaha well, he has arrived! And though he did threaten to kick some German postal arse, for the uncomfortable accommodations, and the bumpy ride too. But I don’t think he’ll actually be leaving my bed anytime soon ;) The chocolate syrup was the icing on the… feral. Who knew such an earthy smelling man would be so scrumptious in chocolate? Thanks for sending both my way! Oh and my Oma agrees with how slow they are, her sister lives somewhere over in Germany, and we’re here in the U.S. How I long for some spatzle now. But I’m more than content with my Feral, of which I won’t share with anyone! Another thing before I continue, Mr. Creed said that bloody things happen to bunny killers, even after their hides are lain out…

It’s quite late here, and I’m starting to add in my own lines while I read… "That should help you to remember your place." Oh Victor, trust me, I wouldn’t leave that place if I could help it! ‘And then there's that little bitch inside me that sympathizes with him.’ You and me both! I think you get the picture, but I get a little nuts during finals :/

Oh, the irony of the placement of his home. Kids and pets in sweet little suburbia. I think I can actually hear him smiling… No matter how impossible it seems. It would be kind of awesome if Mr. Creed had some woman he had occasionally went to in the past, and Lily and her met. The woman could smack her around a bit. Make her realize how awesome V is. Answer her questions. Then kick some ass. Perhaps explain to her the mark on her throat?

Finally though I actually said “D’aww” out loud at ‘He looks at me and grins.’ Which I felt had to be a playful grin. I dunno why. I’d wrap up in this story like a blanket if I could, but I can’t. So I hope you can settle with a ‘this is still an amazing story’, and an ‘I absolutely love it’!

I’d say more, But Victor is threatening to come get me… Then again I wouldn’t mind if he did! But, he has grown to love my pillow top mattress, so, it’s probably an empty threat.
Jinx of the 2nd Law chapter 13 . 1/25/2011
LOL, I always figured Victor and Logan would LOVE 60's heavy rock, and would follow the genre. Good traveling music and all that.

Mmmmm, nothing like a leather jacket to bury your nose into... Sigh.

From cage fighter to WWF wrestler? It's so possible that it scares me! (Vows to at least look at some wrestlers on Skiffy...)

Uh oh, is she marked now? That's a point of no return, you know! But it would explain her confidence when Victor kills the other person. She may have been a last minute job, or just fulfilling a little angry bloodlust. He's not THAT bad, right? LOL!

So how do you explain the glitter on the crowbar? Ah well, it IS the herpes of the craft world, gets everywhere, etc. VERY stylish and well deserved. Since they wouldn't do well in therapy anyway, stoopid kids. Glad you helped society out like that.

Ah, now where are the dynamic duo headed? After the hunting and honeymooning and what not...

Eeee, Feral and hot chocolate! My favorite comfort foods! Thanks for writing!
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