Reviews for My Life as a Trophy Wife
bellaandedward7 chapter 43 . 8/3
This story had me so immersed from the beginning. I couldn’t put it down. An then I get to the last chapter and though it could end beautifully there, I feel an epilogue or at least one more chapter to round it all out would help. Hoping the author comes back to this story... even for one last chapter.
Guest chapter 43 . 7/19
RIP what could have been a beautiful finished story. Gone but not forgotten is the author
HarryandHermionesLoveChild chapter 43 . 7/15
This was, and still is, my favourite story to date. It’s so cruel that you appeared to have fell at the very last hurdle by never adding the epilogue

I know just how hard it is to stay motivated to write, especially if things aren’t going right in life. I think 6 years for not updating is my record, but it is what it is.

It is such a shame you abandoned it but I’m nothing if not understanding. I do think some authors get an insane amount of abuse for not updating enough or for abandoning stories, maybe it’s their way of dealing with withdrawal from such good writing. No one knows what is happening in personal lives so one should try not to judge too harshly.

You could be dead for all they know! Hope you’re not of course.

Your story was truly the best while it lasted and who knows, someday we may get that final instalment.
katiej1 chapter 43 . 7/5
This has always been one of my favorite stories on this site and I really hope it gets completed one day. Love to you and your family during this pandemic
nlm88 chapter 43 . 7/3
Oh I’ve missed your word I had to spend the last month rereading! And now I NEED more of your words any will do!
Shop247 chapter 43 . 6/29
Wow, such an incredible story. Thank you so much. So well written. Is there any way to read the EPOV outtakes still? I can’t find the Facebook or twitter, and I would love to read them! Thank you again!
Kiki68 chapter 1 . 6/29
I keep coming back to this story. You have honestly written something incredibly special. The way you portray all the characters and the emotions really made it seem like I was right there living this story.
When reading this I went through a rollercoaster of emotions and you characters were incredible. I really enjoyed your portrayal of Bella, I like how she had to make mistakes to learn from them rather than follow Edward's lead- it's real life. I also liked how Edward wasn't obsessively pushy and let Bella live a little.
I really enjoyed how smooth your story was. There were a few time jumps but if honestly just flowed so perfectly.
yourekillingmesmalls chapter 43 . 6/28
Still sad this isn't complete, but it's a great story all the same.
Sarah'1595 chapter 43 . 6/25
AS IF it’s been left there! With one more chapter to go! I blitzed through this fic, I felt like all my spare time was spent reading it and I am so gutted I finished it. Wanted it to keep going on and on!

I love the way you write Bella, one of my favourite portrayals of her.

Just wanted to review to say I really enjoyed reading this and even just a PM to tell me how it ends would be welcomed with open arms!Sarah’1595
Guest chapter 43 . 6/21
I can not get this story out of my head! I've read hundreds of incredible stories here on FF but this one has really stuck with me.
I pretty much only read completed stories so accidently found this story this year and already read it about five times.
It's such a incredible journey of two lost people and although this is fiction you have kept aspects pretty realistic and made it so easy for the reader to connect with the characters.
It has taken 10 years to get to this point in the story so I really hope one day we get to read the final chapter you were hoping to post. This is me being selfish though, even if you have no intention of posting the ending this chapter was a great place to stop.
pinkshoes81 chapter 43 . 6/18
Love this story, thanks for sharing x
pinkshoes81 chapter 39 . 6/18
OMG... I was in floods of tears...
That was harsh, dont do that again lol x
Bell Cullen Hall chapter 43 . 6/17
Omg such an incredible fic! Are you going to upload the last chapter any time soon? I can’t wait!
Sxraa chapter 1 . 6/10
This is honestly one of the best stories that I have ever come across on this app, it's so well written and versed. I cant believe it took me so long to find it, I know its been years since you updated the story but even without the ending it, it is still really heartwarming and I still think that the story was wrapped up very well- even if it was only the second last chapter. Thanks:)
ElisaCheccaglini chapter 43 . 6/7
Hi! I was wondering if you could post the last chapter. It's like to know how It ends..
Thanks !
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