Reviews for The Right Man
arses21 chapter 14 . 11/13/2014
I don't know how you do it! You are such a prolific writer and yet every story is unique and wonderful. Each one draws me in, I can't put them down! The romance, drama and love are in perfect proportions. Thanks for sharing:-)
jayjrat chapter 14 . 1/11/2014
love the fortune cookie :)
Guest chapter 10 . 10/10/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
d-kronk chapter 14 . 9/8/2013
Aww! Great ending! I love the team family dynamic at the end and that was a great way for him to ask. I love that the whole team was there to witness. :) Wonderful work.
d-kronk chapter 13 . 9/8/2013
I love Penelope waiting for him in his bed, naked. That is definitely the way to get his attention. I'm also really glad he listened to her and she was able to tell him she loved him too. I love her giggling and pointing out that he was the one that left her. :)
d-kronk chapter 12 . 9/8/2013
Love the angst here. I love Penelope's thoughts while Kevin is talking and I'm really glad she realized what love is and what she has with Derek. And I do wish he hadn't witnessed Kevin proposing... hopefully Penelope finds him soon and can tell him she loves him.
d-kronk chapter 11 . 9/8/2013
I want more of this chapter too. :-) I love that Derek was giving her the out, willing to wait if she needed more time, and Penelope's reaction was great.
d-kronk chapter 10 . 9/8/2013
What a great date. I love Penelope wanting him to pick her up at 6 and then when she found out his plans moving back to his original idea of 7, that was a great exchange. And all the description of the date and the restaurant are great, it really brings the date to like, makes you feel like you are there, wonderful job with that.
d-kronk chapter 9 . 9/8/2013
I want to read more of this chapter, but it isn't on the other site. Please let me know when you get a chance to add it here or there so I can read it.

And I really enjoyed what there is of this chapter. I love Derek taking this date seriously, dressing up for it and getting her flowers. I also loved him pointing out after he kissed her that it was one of the things he had wanted to do but hadn't. I love their new relationship carrying over into their work like, and them being able to hide it from everyone, the stolen kisses are great.
d-kronk chapter 8 . 9/7/2013
Great chapter. I'm so glad that Derek didn't chicken out and he he confirmed that his feelings for her. And their talk was great. I love Penelope wanting them to date and Derek saying what they did was dating. And I have to say I really want to know what he was thinking too. :-)
d-kronk chapter 7 . 9/5/2013
I'm glad she told Derek what happened and love their little comments and questions to each other as the story unfolds, her asking is she kicked in her sleep was great. And the kiss was great. I'm really glad that he quickly assured her that he definitely wanted her and told her why he wasn't going to continue down that road right now.
d-kronk chapter 6 . 9/5/2013
I'm glad Emily agreed to do his paperwork and love that he drove all that way to pick her up at the airport. I love him knowing that she needed that hug and that she was able to get out some of her emotions. But I still want to know what happened...hopefully you reveal soon.
d-kronk chapter 5 . 9/5/2013
I shouldn't be happy about this chapter. Derek and Penelope are both miserable. But I'm happy about this chapter. I'm glad that Hotch said something to Derek and pointed out that he was making himself miserable. And I'm really glad Reid pushed so hard to get Derek to take Penelope's phone call. I hope he can get back in touch with her and find out what happened.
d-kronk chapter 4 . 9/5/2013
I like Penelope trying to piece together what happened the night before. And I have to say I love when she realizes how she took her last shot and asks what kind of best friend lets their friend do that. Derek's answer is great and so completely true. The end of this is just so sad, I really hope she figured out what he isn't telling her.
d-kronk chapter 3 . 9/5/2013
Drunk Penelope is fun. I love that Derek can predict what she's going to do so well. And that bedtime story, I love it. So sad and I hope Penelope does remember it, if not in the morning then sometime in the future.
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