Reviews for Untitled
Sonic Wooten chapter 1 . 5/3/2011
While a bit OOC, i have to say the concept is rather amusing and well written. I Rather enjoyed this story and am highly amused by it. Thank you.
raziella chapter 1 . 1/5/2011
hilarious! I was constantly waiting for the snap of the two heroines, something to re-insure it was all a horrible mistake, a joke or a set-up, but this was even better! Completely unrealistic though, but still great :D
hollownature chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
damn that was interesting i mean come on i have been looking for these three to all get together like that for a long while. thanks. oh and dont forget the hotdogs to go with your marshmellows.
Shirax chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
Well, reading this made my day! Spectacular job, mate, particularly the "Taking on the entire Soviet military with a rusty fork" line; That had me laughing for a long while.
Ree-Vance chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Polygamy..i'm guessing that means 'three-way' awesome! I wished you gave more details TTb still good tho ;D
GeshronTyler chapter 1 . 9/30/2010
Hey, works for me. _ Sousuke's man enough for both of them. Assuming they can get, and keep his attention. I figure by the time Sagara hits 21 he'll have twigged to the fact that a condom can be used for more than an emergency canteen. P
alitablake chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
HAHA! I love it! I really don't like Tessa but I can't help but laugh at how envious Kurtz is.

Sousuke is only thinking of how he is going to have to please two women yeah I can see why he wouldn't want that. Trying to please Kaname both physically and emotionally would be difficult as it is. Then add Tessa. Geez poor guy is never going to sleep.

Oh the implications that would arise from this. Classic.

dylanredefined chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Well I found it very funny poor idea what song it was they were singing though.
ironaft30 chapter 1 . 9/2/2010

Poor,poor Sgt. Stupid,getting married to both women...Lmao!XD
FeistyDreams chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
Reading this fic with the mindset that nothing actually happened, they just passed out, and Tessa and Kaname are just making things horribly awkward for Sousuke... That makes this story much better. As you stated yourself in your notes, it really would never happen, and even if it did, once sobered up, there's no way Tessa and Kaname would accept that. Kaname never did learn the kindergarten lesson of "sharing"... XD

I realize this is for fun, hah, but the drinking age in Japan is 20, so while Tessa, being American, probably would hold out 'til 21, Kaname would've been drinking for a year already. ...Legally, anyways. There is that one short story written by Gatoh, where she gets drunk after school on school grounds, along with a bunch of freshman and... *ahem* At any rate, technically speaking... Well, you get the idea.

Being more-or-less a crack-fic though, I didn't really take that age limit too seriously, just... It's in my nature to point these things out. ;

Funny story! I liked it!
RangerH chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
LOL... That was funny... Just as good as one of mine. (of course mine was dream sequence aftermath of course)