Reviews for Love In the Light of the Moon
PotatoMonstah chapter 11 . 4/20/2018
I love it... Please update this.
Black Dragon 42 chapter 11 . 3/29/2016
I love it! Please don't give up on this story. It's really good and I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of it.
angel897 chapter 11 . 6/25/2015
liked it
Buckbeak3798 chapter 11 . 2/10/2015
Nice story. I don't know why evry elvish oc ends up to be the doughter of galadriel, but ok. Anyways please update soon.
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 11 . 12/25/2014
loved it
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 10 . 12/25/2014
loved it!
DoctorBoo24 chapter 9 . 11/23/2014
The chapters are a little short but I am really enjoying the story :-D

Can't wait for the update xxx
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 9 . 11/22/2014
loved it
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 8 . 10/25/2014
loved it
ro781727 chapter 8 . 10/24/2014
Read all the chapters in one go. Vardainiel is an interesting OC. I can't wait to see how she contributes to the quest.
A changing time chapter 7 . 9/23/2012
This is a really good story. Please write more. It's very interesting to see what the ring is doing to Vardaniel. Can't spell the name sorry. :). Love to see Legolas falling in love. Please please update soon. :). Xxxx
wolviegurl chapter 7 . 3/19/2012
Awesome can't wait for more.
Broken Puppet chapter 7 . 3/14/2012
Interesting story it doesn't deviate from the plot to much though. Then again it's still early on in the story, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Um just a small bit of advice, your not supposed to use numbers when writing. An example would be "the 4 friends went to the mall" or something like that when it's supposed to be "the four friends went to the mall". It's correct

grammer is all.

Another thing, just a question, what kind of flaws does your character have? It's still early on in the story line but most flaws are established early on in a story. As the saying goes "nobody's perfect". Besides if you establish flaws early on the character can develop as the adventure continues fighting these flaws. plot development and what not.

Other than that it's pretty good so far. Keep up the good work.
ImMelethLegolas chapter 7 . 3/11/2012
I quite like the story, eventhough I have to agree with those whom state that there is alot of words taken directly from the movie. For me this is not an issue how ever, but it would be nice to hear more of your own imagination insted.

Also, I am immensely tired of the Mary-Sue debate on this site, this is fiction and there for there is no need to make any caracter "realistic". I like Vardainiel, she is your caracter and the main point is that you like her. Keep up the good work and please update soon!
StarlightShivers chapter 7 . 3/4/2012
Omg she is elronds' sister that is so cool plz update soon with more Legolasxoc stuff
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