Reviews for Enduring Love
Author-Of-Sin chapter 23 . 10/8/2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this version, it's much sweeter, not as bitter as the other version. The other version had sweetness too, but this was far more peaceful.
And I fully support polyamory, so this is perfect! :D

Victorules chapter 6 . 6/15/2011
Once again, semi-instant reconciliation rears its ugly head! Ridiculus, the most emotional individual would not be so receptive to that idea, the coldest of individuals would either abandon the other two or turn against them. I believe Nihlus, with al his strength of spirit, would rather kill himself than try and work out such a 'deal'.

Perhaps the other sequel for Strength of Heart makes more sense, then again, the fact that there are TWO sequels for the same story confuses me.
Victorules chapter 3 . 6/15/2011
Now THATS what Im talking about!
Siha Krios chapter 12 . 2/17/2011
Dear 'Hey',

Putting it in the description is like telling someone the end to a movie or a book they haven't seen or read yet. That's stupid. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this A.U. and that's your right, but you don't have to insult it. Plenty of others liked it just fine, so in a way you're insulting them. I would have to ask you to not be so rude.

Also, being out of character is a point of view. It's more likely that agreeing to the situation would be out of character for the turians than Shepard. On top of that; IT'S A FANTASY! Sorry for shouting, but there seems to be a lack of understanding among some that not everything has to be by the book when people are writing stories based on imagination rather than what's handed to them on a pillow by the game story line. Thanks.
Hey chapter 12 . 2/16/2011
I like you writing and everything, but I seriously think the whole Shepard dating two turians is just so stupid. It's too out of character, and you should add that to the description.
negativeSum chapter 24 . 9/13/2010
An incredibly sad but still kind of happy ending to a great series. The flashback in the end left me breathless, it was painfully emotional. Great work!
Unsung Senpai chapter 24 . 9/13/2010
this too sad...but i understand you have to end it...great now i gotta get started on my stoires...
PhelpsHaven chapter 24 . 9/13/2010
Simply amazing end for these series. Surely, I didn't think about something like that when I was reading "Eclipse of the Heart".
Unsung Senpai chapter 23 . 9/12/2010 other words needed...
Zepheera chapter 23 . 9/12/2010
I still love this story. I look forward to each new chapter, even when Nihlus and/or Garrus make me want to smack them upside the head.
Unsung Senpai chapter 21 . 9/12/2010
NNNOOOOOO! whyd you stop there!
PhelpsHaven chapter 20 . 9/12/2010
And I thought it would be 33,333333333333333333333333 %.
Unsung Senpai chapter 19 . 9/12/2010
when do we get into the labor part? im so bored...
acethebatdog2039 chapter 17 . 9/10/2010
I'm telling you, the one name i set you. then again I set three of them, lol.
acethebatdog2039 chapter 15 . 9/10/2010
Oh Garrus
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