Reviews for Relapse
Moo chapter 8 . 3/12/2011

now im curiossssss..

Light's hired and.. ?

God Im curious...


I really like your story..

please update asap.. I really am curious..
Onehitwonder21 chapter 8 . 3/10/2011
I really really REALLY love this story! Oh, the 911 things reminds me of when my ex was a 411 operator and someone asked for the number for 1-800 FLOWERS ! LOL :)
Dear Anons chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
keep posting. This is funny

Bri chapter 8 . 3/6/2011
Finally!An update8DAND WITH 2 CHAPTERS*dances*Yeah,I've been waitng for this for all know Light still loves L even though he is with B and having his kids.I dont think L knows that though:SI mean cause apparently Light doesnt even look pregnant which is 'd think he'd have like a little belly or something.I wonder how he could even be pregnant in the first place?Will that be explained?And hopefully we get to at some point see L's reaction to the news:PIf only L and B werent related the three of them could have a very sexy of which,where the hell is B?
9shadowcat9 chapter 7 . 11/5/2010
I'm meant to find what?

PS I know a good Death Note/ Harry potter crossover, An LXLight with a lemon every chapter or so and one other. Is that what you mean?
Unkown chapter 6 . 11/4/2010
Thank you Devilot for basically summing up everything I've written to Black in an easy and understandable way. Personally we're all getting tired of this, including Angel.

As for Bri I already mentioned the pregnancy thing. I know it's a bother because Black and I post such long, tedious posts, but things already get posted. If trying to help, find other issues that haven't been named.

Back to the chapter: Good work, so glad you're going to write up some chapters on Light Siren! I'm also extremely surprised you've kept away from sex this long. you usually have at least one sex scene in every chapter so it's at the point that it's unusual for you to go this long without some sex. looks a little like you need that sex to add filler to the story. Feels like the chapters are only getting shorter with next to no action at all, weather that action is sex or a gun fight or SOMETHING. Just a lot of talking and a bit of walking around.

Umm usually you'll start to feel the stretch of a child after 2 weeks, as well as you can usually feel signs around then, so I really doubt he would just be noting pain 6-7 months in. By then he'd have gone through 5-6 months of morning sickness, a few weird cravings, and a lot more mood swings.

I'm sort of already seeing exactly where this story is going so it's starting to get a little bit more predictable. You MIGHT want to take the clockwork thinking of L, Near, and Light and not mention everything they think of so that it's harder to figure out on your own and you get surprised more. You might also want to stretch out plots again. The plot at one point in Chapter 6 is that Mello and Matt are stolen, you then INSTANTLY learn that Misa was behind it, which then INSTANTLY you learn someone else was behind THAT, where after a paragraph later you learn his name. Most of the plot is set and finished in one chapter, so there's barely any on-going problem. Right now the story is switching from Light is pregnant to L and Near are a sort of couple to Matt and Mello are missing to BB is missing to Light is captured. You can see how that on-going plot change is frustrating. I want a solid plot that I can't predict and stays the same throughout multiple chapters. recently your plots have flipped and switched in less than a single chapter every time.

That's my criticism for today. Hope you can read and learn from it. I'm not being mean, I'm doing my best to help you improve. Please don't take any of my criticism personally.

Also I've got your back sister :P I'm happy to help out anyone. ALSO There's only one Unknown ._. I'm the only one that posts as Unknown only to avoid the confusion of switching the name to Tallen now and having my other posts as Unknown. Seems like it would get a little confusing.
Bri chapter 5 . 11/3/2010
I like this might seem abit random at times as well as OOC but other then that I find it really interestingMy only complaint is that Light shouldnt be able to feel anything being one month unless you have a reason why he's already expereincing this you should change that bit and learn on the facts of pregnancy:PUpdate soon please!
Dear Black Ashura chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
I've been watching from the sidelines silently and I've deduced that you really don't have much of a life. So far I can see this had been going on for about maybe 3-4 months and I can asure you I've never seen a rant go on this long. If you're so mad stop commenting and just leave, or go on an internet chat and argue things out with her privately instead of just screaming at everyone who calls you out on your pathetic and childish behavior. I'll explain everything that you've done stupidly in steps so that your tiny brain can comprehend all of this because appearently with the amount of hot raging your doing it's aircooled.

call her rasict against your race but you act like a whining child to the point where I can why she acts rasict (if she IS rasict) if your so angry that she is rasict try setting a good example...and to comment on the history of the US disliking the french if you want us to call you a 'french nice lady' or a 'french hero' just doesn't sit well on the tongue.

2. I commend Angelblaze for being able to deal with you this long. Any other author would have probably turned off anonymous reviewing to shut you up but she didn't for a the sake of her reviewers and this is what makes her at least SEEM nicer then you. I don't care what she did to you or what you did to her, at this point you're beginning to seem like the bad guy. You don't want to get yelled at or wanna seem at least half as smart as you act? End this pathetic bullshit and leave instead of crying like a baby over bullshit that happened 4 months ago.

3. I think the real problem is that you want the last word. It's your pride which you say Angelblaze has none of. (Thank god for that eh? )I'd like to note that its a Bible lesson (and yes I've talked with Angelblaze before and shes a christian)that pride comes before the fall. You seem to be filled with this selfrightous pride that seems to drive you to the point of near insanity (you constantly comment insulting Angelblaze to apologize for being a smart human being over and over and expecting a change. Doing something over and over the exact same way and expecting different results is called INSANITY.)Swallow your pride and leave before enough people start to report you to get your behind (hopefully. i'm not sure if this site distributes them) ip banned.

I really pray that you'll end this soon. I feel REALLY sorry for you if this is what you've been doing for the last 4 months of your life. If this goes on for another 2 months I recommend you go to a hospital and get checked out because no SANE human being does this.

I'l keep you in my prayers

- Devilot
Unknown chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Alright I'm getting tired of this. I know this review has nothing to do with the article but really neither does Black's. None of his really have anything to do with them.

Black I've tried being nice but seriously, cut the shit you dumb faggot of a loveless fucktard. I'm sick of reading review after review of your endless whining. If you don't like the fucking author notes, don't read the fucking author notes. Who fucking cares? Oh no she said something bad about me! SO WHAT? What does it matter? I could tell the entire population of this site that you're a dead brained dipshit (which really, you are at this point) and it wouldn't make a difference to your life in any way!

Shut up, stop fighting back, ignore the fucking author posts, and stop posting absolute garbage on the reviews. If its personal, KEEP IT PERSONAL! Every time you post it here, you MAKE it public, and your give the right to have other people tell you to just shut your fucking hole. fight in real life, fight in PMs, I don't care if she blocked you, nobody does! nobody even cares about your stupid fight or issues! We just want to read the fanfics and reviews without all of your idiotic comments about NOTHING.

Geez. And I thought I had no life. If you're so pathetic as to bring your petty fights to public areas, you really need to get outside.
Unkown chapter 5 . 10/28/2010
lol awesome I've earned myself a place as a person that constantly reviews XD

Before I review Chapter 5, I'm gonna say this again: Black ffs just shut up XD if you odn't like being insulted, END THE FIGHT! I can't ignore your posts because they're EVERYTHWERE! I'm not asking you to stop hating but please do it in private, not in public reviews. at least truthfully review the story with your hate posts. Geez.

ANYWAYS back to being the only person to give full reviews constantly :D

Alright really loving this constant mix-up of couples. Keeps the story interesting :P It's much better than 3 books about a single couple (which really does get boring fast). Second: enjoying that you're going to make these longer now :D short chapters really tick me off because there isn't enough in them. Really loving the lack of sex. Instead of having sex 3 times in every chapter, it IS better to stretch it out. This is a fanfic, not pornography. Finally, I only found a couple mistakes. Glad to see your grammer and spelling improve :D

Also glad that you brought back in the pregnancy twist. Question though, how come only about a month after Light got pregnant, he's feeling the babies kick? really the babies wouldn't even develop functioning motor skills for a good 6 more months. Enlighten me please XD

Besides that small baby issue, really chapter 5 was fantastic. ALSO POST MORE INTO LIGHT SIREN D: I wanna read more of it XD

For future reference, I'm starting to get sick of the whole "Unknown" crap I'm doing so just call me Tallen :P and I still don't have an account on here XD probably never will.
YaoiLoverDeathNote1 chapter 5 . 10/26/2010
Omgosh i love this story! But what is with all the rude reviews? ,,,, I like how you make the story, your own. MORE! Or I will... Uhmmm...Well... EAT YOU!
9shadowcat9 chapter 5 . 10/26/2010
As awesome as teh fic is... what are the pairings? :/

First it was LightXL, then LXNear and BBXLight and now it's... NearXLight? what?

Not a flame, just asking.
Unknown chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
Ok so. I've got a bit of a bone to pick with Black. I don't really care what's going on behind the scenes, and I personally could care less about your fight with Angel. I read Angel's fanfics because I like them and I find she could easily improve and become an amazing writer. I do my best to help point out issues with the stories, etc. and not be another person going "Wow great chapter, keep it up!" Reviews are for the fanfics, not your idiotic fights. Have you ever thought of just blocking Angel and moving on? Seriously how hard can it be? You've made 2 accounts just to keep fighting against Angel. Just block and move on. Forget about the fight and stop talking shit in reviews.

Also didn't you say in your other review that it was your last post? Swallow your pride and just leave. I'm not even sure what you're doing here now that you've said you aren't going to post anymore. What does my opinion about you even matter? I'm a single person in a world full of billions.

*sigh* now that that's over with, Just thinking for a bit, Angel you added in the fact that Light is now pregnant, but haven't touched up on it since. Is it going to tie into the story a whole lot more now or is it just some plot for something much later, because being pregnant would really screw up your personality, so Light would have to act different seeing he's pregnant and has mood swings.

Further more, how did he get pregnant? what caused it? how did it happen? Will it be explained in the story or are we just supposed to forget about that major fact?

Like I said above, I'm trying to point out issues that need to be fixed. Much later if you continue writing in your life, be careful about creating plots and twists without explaining them and tying them into the story more than just adding it, then never hearing about it for chapters on end until you choose to throw it in as a twist set waaaaaaaay back. People will forget about it and be like: WTH? if you throw it in randomly without any information about it except for something tiny at the start of the book.

Man I can't believe I'm past 2000 characters o_o that's just crazy.

Also Judgment, if you decide to post more stuff, please don't hit enter after every sentences, it takes up a lot of unnecessary space. And yes, I'm very kind. You have no idea who I am and so you have no right to judge me. I'm sorry for judging you but I used only the information I had at hand, which was you making a total fool of yourself and looking like a complete jackass. Please don't get angry at me for this, and just block Angel and ignore her so that you can move on with your life and I can continue reading this fanfic I love.

Looking forward to your next Chapter Angel :P Can't wait to see what you do next :D
Unknown chapter 4 . 10/19/2010
Lol after reading the first chapter of Dark Intentions, that creepy part was nothing XD I can't wait for you to pick back up the pace :D seems like as before, you'd have every chapter action packed and moving at a really fast pace, now it takes chapters just to solve one small part. Either You'll need to make a whole lot more chapters (I'm not opposed to reading more but it would dragon on too much) or you could pack more into single chapters XD more effort in each chapter, but more progression in the story.

Also FYI I really liked the so far story of Light Siren. I enjoy it still having the crazy Kira Light in it, but still the Light-L love and your awesome stories & twists. I noticed once chapter 4, you accidentally wrote Beyond instead of L.

"Beyond pushed the young teen lovers away from the front door, kicking it open and escaping before Light and -'BEYOND'- could stop him. Near was ready for him though, BB gun already aimed directly at Beyond's face as he kicked down the door."

Also I'm a guy :D not a fan girl so if you ever want to talk to me personally through author notes, I'm a male XD Looking forward to your next chapter of Relapse and Light Siren!

Woot over 1200 characters! :D I'm putting in so much effort into these reviews XD
Judgment Day chapter 3 . 10/19/2010
Angelblaze… Lying won’t bring you anywhere….

1 - Don’t switch the roles. You’re the one spamming ME with your repeated little shit of hateful “author” notes.

My reviews are just ANSWERS to Angelblaze’s little provocations, because I think that READERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES WITHOUT BEEING TREATED LIKE SHIT.


2 - No, I didn’t create 5 accounts, but I had to use 2 other accounts, different from my own account (Black Ashura,) BECAUSE Angelblaze is a COWARD and likes to provoke (“author” notes)/insult (MPs) me while BLOCKING me in the same time.

After that, she cries because I get PISSED OFF and blow up her face. PITIFUL.

He girl ! If you want to INSULT me, don’t block me AFTERWARDS ! Cowards are disgusting !

3 - No, unfortunately, you didn’t just call me “jerk”. Your MPs were full of “a**” and RACIAL insults.

So don’t complain about the CONSEQUENCES of your own behavior!

4 - “Black Ashura”’s review for “enslaved” is NOT insulting !

5 - My only purpose is to DEFEND myself.


Once again, Angelblaze has to post BULLSHIT ! ! (so much in one single sentence ! impressing ! O_o’)

I’m really FED UP now and TIRED !

Do not play the victim ! you perfectly know what you’re doing and YOU ONLY HAVE WHAT YOU WERE SEEKING.



Kind “unknown” or random anonym guys, THANK YOU FOR CALLING ME THE “DUDE” OR THE “THING”. That shows that you’re not better than angelblaze and that consolidates me in my general opinion about you. (though I’m pretty used to Angelblaze’s silly insults by now)

In case HONEST persons want to discuss some points with me, feel free to contact me. I won’t bite you but be POLITE.

Oh, yes, I said I won’t come again but I can’t let her tells such blatant lies about me. I think it’s pretty easy to understand.


If you don't know what I'm talking about just chek my previous review for this fic and the reviews for "ensladed" and "light siren".

That's all I have to say, for now. Hope I won't have to come again (I ONLY come when she insults me or spits at me anyway...)
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