Reviews for Turned
Miss Kells Bells chapter 1 . 10/7/2010
I'm kind of fascinated by the Wishverse in Buffy. I kind of love AU stories so I kind of have to love it. I thought you captured VampWill very well and I can see Xander reacting that way. What always annoyed me was how Jesse was never mentioned again after the pilot, so I've written him out in my mind. For Xander to lose his best friend, to be in a hopeless world like that, would just give up. He didn't even have Buffy to look up to. So basically your interpretation of Xander was perfect/ :)

I know this is a one shot but it'd be interesting to explore the Wishverse more in depth.
Stormbringer951 chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
A nice one-shot here. I liked a lot of the touches showing Xander and Willow's friendship - particularly the bit where Willow kneels down and says that she misses her best friend. D'aww. Weird, creepy and pretty well-written. :)