Reviews for Definitions of the Undefinable
tridecalogisms chapter 35 . 10/21/2010
wow, as always, pure amazingness...especially number thirty-one, it gave me chills...absolutely loved this set, looking forward to the next!
knittingeek chapter 35 . 10/19/2010
These are so much fun to read. Awesome as always!
BekaForEver chapter 35 . 10/19/2010
These are all wonderful; your talent really shines through. And you've taught me some new words!
I'm Widget chapter 30 . 10/19/2010
This describes their unique family dynamic perfectly, IMHO. Great job. And you did it in so few words!
tridecalogisms chapter 28 . 10/8/2010
these are all amazing, you really have a way with words and i love reading your work...looking forward to the next set!
Beckett NYPD chapter 28 . 10/4/2010
It's definitely an interesting process. You definitely are coming up with words that are new to me. Plus you create interesting thoughts with the different characters.
I'm Widget chapter 27 . 10/4/2010
Too funny. Where did you find these words? (The dictionary, I know... but I've never heard of them.)
I'm Widget chapter 25 . 10/4/2010
lol Is he a vampire? Too funny.
I'm Widget chapter 24 . 10/4/2010
lol Yeah, they will.
I'm Widget chapter 23 . 10/4/2010
The actor that plays Perlemutter was a bad guy on SVU a couple of years ago.
I'm Widget chapter 22 . 10/4/2010
Interesting take on Rick's view.
I'm Widget chapter 21 . 9/28/2010
Still loving these.
I'm Widget chapter 16 . 9/28/2010
It's going to kill him when she goes off to college.
I'm Widget chapter 15 . 9/28/2010
Well, if Chet was that guy, it's too late now. Poor Martha.
knittingeek chapter 19 . 9/27/2010
I can taste this! Great writing as always ;o)
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