Reviews for Scenes from 221B Baker Street
Mimi the Brave chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
Haha, kind of a pity that he already had the talk!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/20/2013
Ok this is brilliant and I love it and please update soon. There's just one thing that bugs me: if you can count it, it's fewer. 'fewer body parts in the apartment' :P (also idk of you wanted this britpicked, but we say flat. Idk of that matters to you so sorry)

Anyways, love it
whatdoyoumeanionlygetoneotp x
Guest chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
Aww this is just so cute and your writing flows really nicely and reads really naturally which is a beautiful rarity :)

Maybe I'd say try varying your sentence structure for effect, you use these wonderfully crafted long sentences a lot and I think they'd be more powerful/appreciated.
Also, if you can count it, is fewer (sorry, pet peeve)

Yeah, but this is so good honestly those are the only things I spotted and they're tiny. Congrats i love it :)

whatdoyoumeanionlygetoneotp x
Guest chapter 6 . 8/19/2013
OK! How Planes Work, Lesson 1, a.k.a, Let's Calm Sherlock Down Quickly.
Plane wings are curved at the, which means there is a difference in surface area between the top and the bottom. This means that when a plane gets moving, air moves faster over the top of the wings and slower over the bottom of them. Because the air on top of the wings is moving faster, it exerts less pressure on the wing, and because the air on the bottom of the wing is moving slower, it exerts more pressure on the wing. This pressure difference mounts as the plane picks up speed, meaning that once the plane is going fast enough, it's big enough to lift the plane off the ground.
Yay for science geekery!
Please write more stuff, because this is so cute. Also, you write scared!Sherlock really, really well. I could just see him in that plane seat, gritting his teeth and thinking, Must Not Let John See I'm Scared. Must Not Let John See I'm Scared. And him getting drunk and throwing up on Lestrade? Just... YES.
isigogo chapter 6 . 1/13/2011
:D I loved this. Always having troubles finding a geuinely well written and fun Sherlock fic, glad I came across this. You are an extraordinary author, hope to see more from you in the future.
Jacof-alltrades chapter 6 . 1/8/2011
So, first off, LOVE this fic xD Very well written and I love it just so much. I do hope you get more out with it soon and I appreciate the M rating... and the slash... all the yummy, yummy slash xD Hope to read more soon.

Kijo Kurosaki~
foxfire222 chapter 6 . 11/20/2010
this is such a good story. the whole thing just makes me smile. i hope for more overly protective boyfriend moments and comforting fluff. that and of course some man sex. please update soon.
Lonewolfe001 chapter 6 . 11/15/2010
I am so happy that you have decided to continue with this fic. poor Sherlock, he really hates flying. I loved the interaction. Please update soon. Happy writing and good luck with school
WolfyMcClowd chapter 6 . 11/14/2010
This is awesome...please continue
Maira the Panda chapter 4 . 11/13/2010
This made me both laugh and turn rather red. I like it. *giggle* I like the "The internet is an interesting, if slightly disturbing, place..."
Malicious Sherlock chapter 6 . 11/13/2010
Aw such a great chapter. I felt so bad for Sherlock :(. And oh goodness, the drug history is coming out. John's so sweet, caring for Sherlock like he does. I love this story. Great work. Keep it up!
ultraviolet128 chapter 6 . 11/13/2010
Really liked it - your description of Sherlock's anxiety was perfect, and John thinking of cigarettes as "cancer-sticks" really made me laugh. I can't really list all the other things I liked about it as it would take too long (e.g, Mycroft's influence on their hotel room cough, Sherlock's reaction to security, Sherlock carrying John - squee!) So I will cease the inarticulate babbling and merely thank you for cheering up my Saturday and request that you write more soon! :) x
XMillieX chapter 6 . 11/13/2010
Ending made me laugh. Can't say much about the middle- I'm about to pop off for my flying lesson...not feeling nervous, not feeling nervous at all! Haha!

Last April, when that Icelandic volcano erupted, we were on our way home from Singapore (live in England), and we were somewhere over India, when the captain said on the intercom "Uhh, hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. We, err, have a bit of a situation" and I was like, oh god, alright, give it to me, we've been hijacked havent we? But we hadn't. The volcano had erupted, and we had to turn back. Haha hysterical.

So yeah, I better go remember how to fly a plane, without imagining it plummetting to the ground because it doesn't make sense. I'm sure it's got something to do with the wings, or something. ;)

Loved it, and I can't wait for the next chapter! ;) XXXXX
Bubbles2mySoda chapter 6 . 11/13/2010
Oh that was just wonderfull. I really enjoyed it :3
Takaouto chapter 2 . 11/13/2010
I love this. Yes, John Bed better than sleeping drugs. XDD
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