Reviews for Last Thoughts
BlendInTheDarkness chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
came to look at this other oneshot after reading your other one...

AHAHAHA OH ROXAS. YOU AND YOUR OBSESSION WITH ICE CREAM XD at least the ice cream was for someone else...

'Roxas' vision wasn't almost gone now but the same thought remained, "I wonder if he ever got that free ice-cream?' OHMIGOD. TEAR-JERKER :'(

other than that i thought it was very meaningful. great job! :3

apologies for the long review,

IcePrinceX chapter 1 . 10/13/2010
*Screams in agony* No Roxas why Roxas! Why did you have to die! Why why why! *Screams in more agony* I hate you Sora I hate you! Why *Collapses and cries*

Happy Reading and Writing
