Reviews for Lucky Lara
DemoniC FalloN chapter 16 . 7/8/2003
Heh. Again You've Left Me Nearly Speachless...a Task for any one. I've only GOt One Word...hope I spell it right o.O

TAOC chapter 16 . 6/3/2003
There's only two things in your story I found that didn't go along the lines of Lara's past. One, was that she had been wandering around for two weeks before she found the village. The second is that she didn't go on the skiing trip with the finishing school. I still like it though :)
TAOC chapter 16 . 6/3/2003
There's only two things in your story I found that didn't go along the lines of Lara's past. One, was that she had been wandering around for two weeks before she found the village. The second is that she didn't go on the skiing trip with the finishing school. I still like it though :)
red chapter 15 . 3/31/2003
i just wanted to say how amazing this piece of writing is. It's really amazing! i love your word choice, it really pulls you into the story. i really enjoyed it!
Jenn Shadows chapter 16 . 10/14/2002
Okey fokey, Listen Joile, If you'll exuse my "O's" in TR bloopers by Jenn Shadows and Jenn Shadows into the night, I'll excuse your question marks (That don't belong there!) ok, good glad you understand.

Great story one of my fav's. Luv your work. Keep up the fantastic writing!

Alexis Rockford chapter 15 . 10/13/2002
If you do a blooper version (which I personally think would be great) You'll have to add the blooper chps to the end of the current fic or fanfiction will delete it. Blooper stories or rewrites are not allowed anymore. Just thought I'd warn you.
Bob the Abominable Snowman chapter 14 . 9/28/2002

Were we supposed to cry at the end? I think I was JUST about to cry...

Wow. Again. Can someone help me with vocabulary here? I'm at a loss for words!

Shu chapter 14 . 9/20/2002
FINE. I promised you, didn't i?

Nice fic, all in all, keep going :)
Sara Ang chapter 1 . 9/16/2002
Er... Hi? Here's the review you wanted. Number 40. You have reason to rejoice. Smile!
DreamThief chapter 14 . 9/5/2002
Great ending, I love it!
sway chapter 14 . 9/1/2002
It's so hard to believe that you're only what 12, 13? You're really talented, and you can only get better as u grow! keep up the good work, :)
Alexis Rockford chapter 14 . 9/1/2002
Oh THAT was sweet . . . just beatiful. You are a GREAT talent, don't ever forget that. This story is now in its rightful place on my favourites list. Keep writing, girl!
Andrea Christoph chapter 14 . 9/1/2002
YAAAYYY! The end! Not that that's always a good thing but...

I LOVE YOU! You are a writing godess! I love this story and all your other stories and I want more stories to read that are actually good so WRITE WRITE WRITE! Sad to see this story ending, but they all have to end sometime. Well, I'm eagerly awaiting your next story, and I think that might take off my Tomb raider Bloopers, so do you want them in emails or should I just stuff them in my filing cabnet? Email sometime.

-Lara Croft, Archealogist, Adventuress, and Tomb Raider
Clarenova chapter 13 . 8/25/2002
*Clap Clap*

Now, I like to eat Marshmellows. Can I?
Andrea Christoph chapter 13 . 8/21/2002
Yay! Updates...anyways, marshmallow I'm assuming is Lara. Keep it going, its as interesting as ever.
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