Reviews for Live Or Die Make Your Choice
Cenobia100 chapter 18 . 9/4/2011
I really thought that Reyna would suffocate herself with the bag.

Nice ending
SawFanAndAdamFan chapter 18 . 6/14/2011
Al fin un Jill y Gordon , me gusto mucho tu historia es muy original y espero mas historias como esta . Y me quedo una duda ... Hoffman muere? . Bueno en fin ESPERO MAS HISTORIAS DE SAW.
Oggytheogre321 chapter 18 . 6/12/2011
Lazy to log in... gah.

Reyna died, damn you! However it was well written showing the repurcussions of the result of the Games.

You tied up most if not all loose ends in this chapters (Knew Trish was alive!)

One burning question though... Is Hoffman alive? Unless I see it happen, I shall not believe it.

Anyone great story, enjoyed, bit sad about Scream not being continued, but thems the breaks. Either way, good work and I'll be on the lookout for new stories.
Jamesss chapter 18 . 6/12/2011
YES! LENARD SAVED THEM! Except Reyna:( good story!
ZacTy2010 chapter 18 . 6/12/2011
Great final chapter! You ended well! Thanks for keeping Corrine alive! Can't wait to read more of your stories in the future! Keep up the good work Angie!
AMASTA10 chapter 18 . 6/11/2011
A unique way to end things. I feel bad for Lenard having to witness suicide without the ability to end. Hoffman deserves what he got. Great fanfict! 3
Ravenclaw992 chapter 18 . 6/11/2011
I liked the epilogue; it cleared up some things that weren't really explained in the movies (like Amanda's letter and the effects of the game). I kind of felt bad for Reyna at the end and I had a feeling she would make a last attempt at suicide. The last scene was interesting and I knew it was Amanda! (

Good story and I was just about to check out your Scream story too! / I bet it was pretty good. Oh, might be getting more reviews from me sometime cuz I'm about to check out your other stories! (
Ravenclaw992 chapter 10 . 6/9/2011
Oh, boy. Did I say I liked this story. I changed my mind. I don't like it...I LOVE it! I especially love the twist with Reyna and Sydney. If I'm correct, Hoffman cheated on Reyna with Sydney then dumped her for Sydney. God, this is like a drama show! LOL

Also, kudos for the HP7 quote (although that part in the book is really sad). And not Justin Bieber! I really cannot stand long as there's no lyrics, I'm fine.

And is Hoffman in the house? Oooh, I can't wait for more! I'm lying on my bed (typing awkwardly so I am sorry for typos) and breezing through these chapters! Addicted much!

Keep it up! Just call me your new fan!

Ravenclaw (
Ravenclaw992 chapter 9 . 6/9/2011
Wow...this is a lot to take in. So, let me see if I have this right in my head. Sydney is hoffman's old gf who's brother was killed by lance because he had an affair with lance's wife. Okay. And Savvi worked for Hoffman and Ella is Adam's sister. Now the big question is: how do they all connect? I will find out! (

This is getting intense! At first i thought Savvi/ Lance's trap would be the Crucifix (third movie; the guy who killed Jeff's son). Of course, the carasel (sp?) works too!

God, this is such an amazing story; it could be turned into a movie and would probably fare better than the latest few movies in the series! Everyone (especially Adam/Jill/Lawrence) is in character and everything. Keep up the good work!

just out of curiosity, the brown-haired woman wouldn't happen to be Amanda would it? If not then I'll just have to keep thinking...
Ravenclaw992 chapter 7 . 6/9/2011
Great chapter; reminds me a little of Saw 2, which happens to be one of my favorites in the series.

Besides that, did Ella just say ADAM? As in the Adam of the first movie? If so then that is...surprising. Hmmm...I'm desperately trying to figure out the main connection between these strangers. It's kind of like the second one; they all have a connection but it's tricky to figure it out. Well, I'm going to continue reading and I wonder who will die next?
Ravenclaw992 chapter 2 . 6/9/2011
Hey, i just started reading your story today and i must say it sounds as though this might be interesting...I wonder what's in store for the victims. An amusing variety of them, especially since one of them was Hoffman's old lover. ( I am definitely reading on. By the way, your writing makes it feel like a real Saw movie; I love it!
Lance-dusk chapter 17 . 6/7/2011
Win! At first I was like no she can't die! Not trish! Then I was like yesssssss! Trish!
Can't Get Any Better chapter 17 . 6/1/2011
OH, MY GOD! I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED IT! I swear if I only liked Trish before I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her now! I know it may be a little strange considering that she's a bit of a quack, but I find vindictive, apprentice Trish so much more... sexy I suppose would be a good term to use. LOVE the drama, LOVE the characters, and would LOOOOOOOVE to have the next update out SOON. Counting on you Angie ;)
Can't Get Any Better chapter 15 . 6/1/2011
Okay, with graduation fast approaching life has slowed down some which means REVIEW TIME!

NO NO NO NO! Angie I hate you :(

Okay no not really. I could never hate you ;) But I am totally pissed that DANIEL died. If he's the same Daniel from SAW 2 like I remember, then I remember him being REALLY HOT so having him gunned down is a bit of a bummer :(

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRISH! Okay this is just not my chapter. First my Daniel and now my Trish... I'm bummed :( Oh... yeah... and poor Oliver too... TRISSSSSSSHHH!

... Okay I'm over it. Onto the next chapter :)
MentosgoBoom chapter 17 . 5/31/2011
...HOLY CRAP!... So much has happened... and IT did not suck. Not one bit, hurry I want to know what happened! UPdate soon
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