Reviews for Baking Soda
Viinimarja chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
This is short and simple, and yet it soars over pretty much everything I've read about those two. You've managed to hit all the right spots, bringing out the characters and adding the details. The narrative is lovely and, oh, so delicious!
'tis brilliant. Thank you! :)
Jingshoelaces chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
There are too many amazing things about this and they are crowding my brain so I will write what first comes to mind, when England finally learns to cook not so horribly, wouldn't it ruin the stereotype and the running gag?

Ye gods, I'm so sorry! this is the best FrUk i have read and all I can do is criticize!

England's dialogue is colorful and has variety and you did a wonderful job inventing new names that he may call France instead of just 'git' and 'bloody frog face.'
Keiko-chi chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
This is too cute !
hahahero chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
Dude, love this so much.

You pretty much summed up everything I like and believe about their relationship in this awesome fic. Their actions and dialogue were amazing, and I pretty much smiled throughout this thing.

ultimatebishoujo21 chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
Lol england sucks at cooking
Nerica chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Arthur's inability to cook in general and bake decent scones in particular has been overused, but still, I love the way you handled it. That was well written, especially you didn't make it too sugary. My compliments to the chef! ;P

Hahaha, it was sweet of France to restrain himself from saying anything more :P And how cute England.

Thanks for sharing~
Megumi chapter 1 . 9/25/2010
One word. Cute!

I love it! It a kinda fluff but aw, France you meanie -3-! Making Arthur cry ! But well -_-U at least Arthur can make edible scones xD!
Crystalline Melody chapter 1 . 9/25/2010
Holy crap.

...I have never read a story that immediately made me ship something. Until now. I will ship this to my dying day, because this was AMAZING. I need your writing talent.