Reviews for Photographs
shanaya6502 chapter 7 . 3/27/2016
Please continue this awesome story...pretty please
Guest chapter 7 . 3/25/2016
amazing ! Please update ! ( even if I know this story is from 2011 so I have almost no chance, but I still hope xD)
zora-chan chapter 7 . 7/25/2013
Wen. Is the next chapter coming! ,!?
Pecha Pichu chapter 7 . 5/8/2013
_ Now THAT was a great story - but it's not finished yet

Looking forward to your next chapter!
Pecha Pichu chapter 4 . 5/8/2013
*cough cough* *HACK*

S-Shigeru has a kid?
random person chapter 7 . 5/1/2013
what do you mean unexpected turn? ARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY? sometimes that's good... but please don't go overboard! don't ruin Paul's life or anything, that's happened enough already
TheRedSeaWitch88 chapter 7 . 9/21/2012
Woah this is such a cool story. I'm new to the Pokemon fanfic area and let alone this pairing (even though I have wondered a little what they would be like together) and this has to be the perfect introduction to both areas. Atleast in my opinion that is.

I do have one small problem. You have Shigeru's Eevee as still being an Eevee when in fact it evolved into an Umbreon in the Johto anime seasons. And it was shown as an Umbreon in the Sinnoh anime seasons as well. I'm not sure if you just had him get a different Eevee or if this is the same one from the anime but I wanted to point it out just incase it is Shigeru's Eevee (now Umbreon) from the anime.

Other than that I'm really loving this story and hope to read more of it sometime.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/29/2012
ur story is geting bad and bad every time!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
u write very lil'... and the story is sooooooooooooooo boring! make it more interesting! cuz i thout it was going 2 be interesting but i guss im wrong! u should put stuff like... 'i jumped by a noise that came from the door and hanako went and opened it and... satoshi came in the house, and having a big hug from his mom'

'what should i do' shinji thout... and so on now u see that is waaaaaaay more interesting!
farfetched4 chapter 7 . 6/9/2012
I'm really enjoying this so far: I personally don't have much knowledge of Shinji, but I don't think you've got too far out with him. I was kind of worried Shigeru might attack him or something, but maybe he just hadn't had his coffee? (Lol, what people in pokemon world do without drinks)

Hope this will be updated, I'll look forward to it!
SylarTookMyPower chapter 6 . 8/20/2011
This is the best Comashipping story i've read! And I actually really like this chapter. Er,yeah... Keep updating, it's really good!
Hikari Yanomii chapter 6 . 7/10/2011
more! more! more! please write more!
The Curly Flea chapter 6 . 7/3/2011
What? Cliffhanger? Noooooooooooooooooo, please update it! I need to know what he said! N'aww...

Anyway, I am really liking this - and strange Shigeru, huh? Shinji's changed too, but in a nice sense. Cannot wait to read more! :)
JoeyATX chapter 6 . 6/29/2011
Oh goodness, please hurry and write and add the next chapter! I'm obsessed with the pairing of Ash and Paul, and you have written it so well. I love this whole internal thing you're doing with Paul and you introduced Ash in such a good way. I was so ready for Ash to say cute things and then BAM! end of chapter. So rude! Keep doing what you're doing, it's making for one hell of a story!
cristalcat101 chapter 6 . 6/28/2011
I really like this chapter! It just kinda surprised me that you made him seem older, but either way I loved the chapter and really can't wait for the next! CX
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