Reviews for Take the Car
KKBELVIS chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
Sam cannot take the car; he wants to – God he wants to – but if he takes that key he will break and his walls will crumble and Dean will want to come back and protect him again.

He wants that – he wants that – but he keeps his feelings clamped in the cage he has made for himself, a cage he never really escaped.

Sam is back – but that doesn't mean that Dean has to be…


Just gorgeous writing!

I so loved that. It's a perfect idea!

Thank you,

Twinchester Angel chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
OMG I love this! This is exactly what I have been thinking and saying to people when they say Sam is a selfish #####. I think Sammy always had a little darkness or even evil in him forever and he was always trying to hide it by being extra caring, empathizing,and thoughtful. Now I think he is trying to hide that part of himself so he just doesn't feel. At all. Nothing. This story perfectly describes it. Great minds, right? LOL Anyway, this was awesome. I'm definitely favoriting this one! Thanks for sharing this with us!
morgana07 chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
This is a great piece and explains things in a way that I like much more than what I watched. You have a great feel for both boys and explained Sam's feelings so well. Great job!
Lisa Paris chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
Ah, but Sam - it should have been Dean's choice whether or not he wanted to be back. Not yours, not Bobby's, not anyone's but Deans.

Isn't this exactly what you always used to rage and rebel against?

John and to a lesser extent, Dean, making decisions for you, taking your life-choices away from you?

What gives you the right to choose your brother's life for him?

Oh, the sad, sad irony . . .
irismay42 chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
I liked that that was more of an explanation of Sam's actions than an apology for them. I see him not taking the Impala as more of him showing Dean that he'd finally become his own person - in ordinary life, a son moving out of his father's house - and I loved the way you related this to what happened at Stull and Sam very nearly giving in and letting Dean become his protector once again.
CeCe Away chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Lovely explanation of Sam's closed off feelings. That episode just left me wanting some Sam emotion so I'm looking for good fic on it. I also wrote one myself cuz I couldn't sleep til I did.

I like yours.
mousefiction chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Wow, good explanation.
Sotobow chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
I liked this a lot. Apparently some fans are all like, "What's wrong with Sam? He was so wooden and cold!" and to me it's kind of obvious that THAT WAS HOW HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. I personally like it. It's a side of Sam we've never seen before - he's been shut down before, but there was always that anger simmering. Now it's like he's locked his emotions down so tight that nothing's escaping. Understandable, as he didn't even have Dean in the aftermath of Hell.

Great insights into what Sam was thinking and feeling at all those points in the episode. You hit on what I thought when I watched the episode - Sam wants Dean around, but he doesn't want Dean to get hurt in their hunting life.

"Sam is back – but that doesn't mean that Dean has to be…" That's probably like my favorite sentence. Very well put!

Great fic! :D
cold kagome chapter 1 . 9/26/2010

snchills chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Oooooh interesting...I like.
LucidKren chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Nice explanation. Good work.
mikesh chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
awe, and I'm REALLY hoping that this season gets happy again for the brothers! They've had 5 years of sadness! They need some happiness for them again!
StrGazr04 chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
this is perfect. i think this is exactly how sam feels. it's a self preservation thing. i really do hope it changes soon tho. i miss sammy.