Reviews for Going Under for the Third Time
GaijinVamp chapter 21 . 11/2/2018
Very good story full of emotion and catharsis. Sorry it won't be finished.
twerd4ever chapter 21 . 7/23/2015
I love this story. I see it has been over three years since your last update, but I hope you are still writing. The characters you have created here are beautiful and have a really intense depth I appreciate. You are also discussing some really serious issues with grace and poise you don't always find here. So thank you. And thank you for sharing your words )
fanicki chapter 21 . 5/6/2013
Absolutely love this story! I hope you will update it soon. Would like to really see how jasper progresses with his healing and the relationship he has with Bella grow.
kirifox chapter 21 . 5/5/2013
Excellent story so far. Will you be continuing?
Vagabond chapter 21 . 1/27/2013
I like your story, hope that you will continue on with it.
Leeshaann chapter 21 . 1/28/2013
update soon...
KayDee chapter 21 . 9/22/2012
I really hope this story continues soon. I miss it and I think Jasper needs to teach Bella how to surf. :) Hope to see you back soon, your one of my favorite authors!
KayDee chapter 21 . 9/3/2012
This story just keeps getting better, I just read two years worth of chapters and I can't wait for it to continue, bravo, keep writing. Although, I know some people like it but everytime Jasper pulls out a smoke, he loses so much appeal for me. I know, just one person's opinion, just sayin'. By the way, my family actually is from Galveston, so it is interesting to here it written from someone's perspective who lives elsewhere.

Loving the developement of J and B's relationship, can't wait for more.
MarieVance chapter 21 . 9/2/2012
I love this story can't wait to read more!
J.DRAST chapter 21 . 8/5/2012
Hello. Missed this story-thought about it a lot, hoping you'd get back to it at some point. I'm glad some of the pain around Jasper's heart is starting to melt. Thanks, Suzan Noerr
NatalieLynn chapter 21 . 7/26/2012
I loved the new chapter as always, but oh man! That boy has too much self control! I get not tumbling into sex on their first date, or the second, or even a few more than that, but what is he waiting for? I have to wonder about Bella though too. If you had Jasper in your bed all night, wouldn't you have at least wanted some kisses and caresses? I sure would! ;)

Actually, I hope while they're on that horse ride tomorrow that he will use the prolonged bout of alone time to tell her about Maria and all he went through. She really deserves that degree of intimacy if he is considering physical intimacy and being together in a loving relationship that will hopefully grow into something lasting, perhaps even permanent. As he realized in his epiphany the night before, if the shoe was on the other foot he'd be hurt if she didn't trust him enough to tell him something like that. I hope hurting her in any way is the last thing on earth that he would want to do.
KM525 chapter 21 . 7/18/2012
Aww, he's so cute being all domestic. And he made it through the night without giving in to his sexual desires (pity!) It's about time he started letting go of the past and punishing himself.
SlashGal chapter 21 . 7/18/2012
just the night he needed (though poor boy with his morning wood...) Bella is the balm to Surfsper's damaged soul. Loved xx
Robfan06 chapter 21 . 7/17/2012
Awww Jasper you have come so far...*sighs*

Thank you for the update I know I'm way way behind in reading but it was so worth it. I've missed Surfsper...hope all is well with the family. Take care sweets.

Guest chapter 21 . 7/6/2012
I LOVE this chapter! I can't wait for the BBQ and this whole horse riding trip! Might need to hear more about Jaspers trips to the Therapist too?

Love ya babe! Hope everything settles down for you at home soon. *mwah*
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