Reviews for Always there for you
hebaXyugi4eva chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
could hav more sex in it plz
Ellieandra chapter 6 . 8/6/2012
pwease anoher chapter soon :)
Nickesha chapter 6 . 7/14/2012
its a great story no doubt but im not liking how Yuuri always runs to Conrad an its says that Yuuri and wolf are close but the only closeness is that they have sex and think of each other as lovers but never once had Yuuri thought about wolf the way he's thinking about Conrad constantly and we're already 5 chapters in but it is a good story no lie and what was with that scene with Conrad arms around Yuuri's hips and Yuuri's arms around Conrad's neck and wolfram saw and said nothing and how didn't wolf pick up anything he's always jealous of Conrad when he's with Yuuri how come he isn't? when he have all right to be now cause seriously Yuuri is over doing it and Conrad is just plain fudged up but good story
marnika chapter 5 . 4/2/2011
I like your story Okay,but a little more fleshing out of the story is needed. Like why all the sudden yurri wants conrad around for no real Celi would be a grandmother because Wolfram is her son.
DFW chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Yes! really like your story hope you cont'd and yes, you shld totally knock Conrad up as well
angelo12654 chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
good story. you should make Conrad pregnant as well and write more about what are doing Yuri and Wolfram!hugs
AshleyTangerine chapter 1 . 9/29/2010
Yum, I love pregnant Yuri-and pregnant Conrad is something anyone would kill for! Update soon!
Princess Sin chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
you should go ahead and let conrad become pregnant also. it will keep his mind off of other things.