Reviews for Promise of a Lifetime
shankstar89 chapter 3 . 10/18/2010
great story 0
nxkris chapter 3 . 10/9/2010
Great story, iruka really is a good teacher and helps naruto and he recieved a good death not just taken out by someone random or in a massive battle, naruto has now seen kabato, i hope he remembers who it is in the chunnin exams and takes revenge. I love that kakashi is actually going to teach even if its mainly be scrolls he is available to help. update soon.
Taeniaea chapter 3 . 10/9/2010
cool story
lightningblade49 chapter 3 . 10/9/2010
Good start,update soon
BadReader chapter 1 . 10/8/2010
"and was quickly looked at as a potential candidate for the next Hokage position."

That made me laugh, especially since I didn't see the Humour genre notice. Iruka being Hokage and unable to make any life and death decisions, the Chunin Exams and mission handouts on a grander scale.
Tempest86 chapter 3 . 10/8/2010
Nice chapter! Loved the bell test, and LOVED the interaction between Sakura and Kakashi in regards to the ramen bill.

Nice that Naruto was strategic against Kakashi as well as getting the others to cooperate. Pretty cool to see him use multiple elements. Do you think you could provide translations for the lesser-known jutsus, such as the Wind and Lightning jutsus Naruto used? It'd be really helpful.

All in all, great chapter. I think you ended it well with Kakashi offering to help Naruto if he needs it, paving the way for a better relationship between sensei and student. Very nice work.
jack chapter 2 . 10/8/2010
great chapter, keep up the good work!
marc chapter 3 . 10/8/2010
excellent story so far, great details and fight scenes, keep up the good work!
UNKNOWN chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
Ryuzazen chapter 2 . 10/3/2010
this was a good chpter!(:

it was a stepup from the previous one. the ending for this one was my favorite part. i liked how you had flashbacks about kakashi's father, minato , obito and rin and then had him thinking about them at the end. pretty creative there.

looking forward to the next chapter! :D
Cumbersomeconnexion chapter 2 . 10/3/2010
Hey :)

I'm probably your first french reader ;) Id like to say that i am really entousiastic about this story :;) So see you next time ;)
bichnigga chapter 2 . 10/2/2010
This chapter I think was a good improvement upon the previous. Your style of writing is evolving well and it's starting to sound less like... an essay. All the characters, aside from Sakura (but who needs that bitch), are developing very nicely, and I like how Sasuke isn't a complete douche in your story. I liked how you loosened up the atmosphere by creating scenes that made me laugh, yet still progressed the storyline. One suggestion though is that you should stray just a LITTLE bit farther from the actual storyline. The way you cut off before the climatic test was great. I can't wait to review the 3rd chapter.

Oh. And you should totally come over next Saturday .
Tempest86 chapter 2 . 10/2/2010
This is very well-written. Honestly, it's one of the better written Naruto stories that I've read, despite one or two misses with some grammar; nothing major, though.

I can't wait to see what the bell test will be like, as well as the Wave mission and the Chuunin Exams with what you've got going. As far as a title goes, I think "Promise of a Lifetime" fits because Iruka wanted Naruto to never give up on his dreams and Naruto vows to hold true to that in honor of his sensei, changing the people around him like Sasuke in the process. Just a thought. If I have a better idea, I'll let you know.
Rachit chapter 2 . 10/2/2010
Good chap
bichnigga chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Well it's a good start. I can kind of see why Iruka had to die. But killing off people after developing their characters shouldn't become a regular thing. It makes the story incomplete. Almost like in the X-Men Origins movie for wolverine. (You saw it with me xD)

And add a couple of useless, yet funny and character developing scenes. Just when Naruto decides to prank someone or something. It can be a good way to show off a characters personality and to show off big words and your own writing style.
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