Reviews for Unveiling the Truth
Duif chapter 1 . 6/7
I just finished reading all of your Luke/Wegde stories and I have to say that I enjoyed every single one of them.
Yet I can't help but wonder if you considered posting them on AO3, for many more people are know using that site to host their stories.
Anyway, I loved your stuff! It was great and sweet!
mayawene chapter 1 . 1/3
Thank you for this story
sierra.steinbrecher chapter 1 . 5/7/2016
I loved that the only things they said to each other during the interrogation were of love and about their son. That's just a great image.
Pretty Little Red Rose chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
powerrangersfangirl22 chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
This is awesome!
MysticalKC chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
Amazing! I love it! :D
Calabazas chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Great story! This is actually the first story i've ever read about these two, and it was fun to read! Thanks for the story!
TrickForTreat chapter 1 . 9/30/2010
Gah, this had the feeling of a definite guilty pleasure - meaning I'd HAVE to have more. Great job!
FelesMagica chapter 1 . 9/29/2010
Wow, nice oneshot. You must be the answer to all of my prayers . Well, seriously, I am a huge suporter, if not even fan, of Wedge/Luke stories. Sadly there aren't enough of them. So, if you found time and motivation, a continuation to this story would be really awesome.

Personally I think this fits Luke just fine. In the movies he was always the perfact little boy, shy and to modest for his own good. With a guy like Wedge, who is so outgoing and spontenaous, the two of them really make a nice couple.

Anyways, really nice chapter. I would love to read more from you about this pairing. . Please, write something new soon.