Reviews for Nolo, Nolle, Nolui
Guest chapter 38 . 3/25/2016
meh...did ya have to kill off sten?i have no use for him myself,but killing him...
Guest chapter 6 . 3/24/2016
Guest chapter 2 . 3/24/2016
...oren...ugh!i HATE THAT!THE KID LYING DEAD...
Tropalon chapter 54 . 11/23/2013
I discovered this story last week and... I love it !

I do not know if you are going to finish it - I kind of hope so but whatever you do, I am very glad you decide to share these chapters with us ...

Maybe this is late, but this is true : you are a great storyteller, without question !

A french fan who really enjoyed reading you !

/ Sorry, my English must be terrible -

Pour être tout à fait honnête, j'ai trouvé tes personnages et ton histoire formidables, et à vrai dire j'aurais adoré jouer au jeu en suivant la trame que tu as choisie pour l'histoire ! Alistair et Fearghal sont deux personnages auxquels il est difficile de ne pas s'attacher. Il y a de la profondeur dans leur aventure - et leurs mésaventures - et c'est tout ce que j'aime dans ce que je lis d'ordinaire !

Et puis, tu manies les coups de théâtre avec beaucoup de brio ! J'ai été transporté de joie, de chagrin, de colère parfois, mais c'est à cela qu'on reconnaît les récits les plus forts, et les plus émouvants.
mille libri chapter 54 . 9/5/2013
This is a great chapter, really - you've got Hespith's haunting poem and revelations and the absolute ickiness of your spot-on description of the embryonic darkspawn in a nice counterpoint, and Alistair and Fearghal's shared horror underscores it all.
Gaspode chapter 54 . 9/4/2013
I admit I'm sad to hear you will not continue this. I would have loved to see how Fearghal and Alistair grows in their relationship, whether it becomes serious or not. I would have liked to see Fearghal heal from the loss of his lover Rory and follow his journey through Ferelden. To discover how he plans to deal with the Blight, Anora and other disasters. This story is so consistently well written and and Fearghal is a great character, flawed, strong and vulnerable, just as Eirwen in 'The Dalish Warden' was.

I can assure you that if you ever change your mind, there are plenty of us still writing and reading Dragon Age Origins fan fiction and this story will remain on my Follow list. However, I also realise that sometimes you have to move on and real life takes precedence.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Jenna53 chapter 54 . 8/29/2013
Great story, really sorry to hear you aren't going to finish it. Thanks for sharing what you did though.
DuncanDaniels chapter 53 . 8/28/2013
Thank you! I love this story, and your writing is superb. I read the first 52 chapters of this story months ago, and had all but given up hope that you might ever return to finish it. Please do!
CielMeillure chapter 54 . 8/28/2013
Imagine my surprise waking up to these two chapters waiting after so long. Suffice to say I read them immediately on my way to school. Lord I missed this story.
mille libri chapter 53 . 8/27/2013
Hooray! What a lovely surprise, seeing two bonus chapters of this story pop up in my inbox! You and Fearghal have been missed. :) And a lovely chapter it is, too, with all the dwarven wrangling and Oghren and Alistair undressed. Well worth the wait!
Becky chapter 52 . 7/14/2013
Wonderful story! Looks unlikely to be updated, but thank you for what you did post! 3
computasaysnoo chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Even though this was published three years ago, I want to give it a shot. Great first chapter- your ability to write a concise, yet in-depth romance is very refined. Loving it!
Hichitsuki-hime chapter 52 . 8/5/2012
wow ) I usually can't picture Alistair in a male / male pairing, but you've done a marvelous job so far. Can't wait to read more.
kasoogi chapter 52 . 9/1/2011
I'm hoping this isn't the end of this tale as I've really enjoyed the story so far. You've done a lovely job of telling a good story and there's a great deal of depth to Fearghal's character. I was really looking forward to the show-down between him and Howe given all the rage he's been carrying around with him! Hope you find time to come back to this.
Agarwaenloth chapter 52 . 8/24/2011
I'm going to echo Alistair and ask for more ;)
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