Reviews for Goodbye, Apollo
andysanime chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
...Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu T.T *hugs Apollo* how could you? This is the second story I've read with Apollo committing/seriously thinking/almost committing suicide, whyyyyyyyyyyy T.T
cyberbubble99 chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
ow my poor heart
Amateur Warden chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
That... is morbid and awesome 8I Also, angst. It hurts so gooood...
frostbiteLettuce chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
wow.. that is quite..

but Justice is never flawless ):

Eventought i don't really love dead main characters, i think no one understood him here..

and i like this writing style by the way )

Ps: it's not Fräu, it's Frau (yes, german is quite difficult)

If you ask why I know that.. well.. i speak German w
RiddikulusGrin chapter 1 . 10/14/2010
a bit... iffy. That sounds weird. I just mean that angst is hard to write, and yours is off. You have the emotions there, but you don't describe them enough. I'd start off simple. Fluff is great :). I can't get enough of it! Your one about fanfiction was much better - chuckles are good.

Word of warning: You seem reasonably new to the buisiness (then again, I may be wrong) and killing off a main character is something the lots of most experienced writers wouldn't dare to do!
ChloboShoka chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
Thanks for the translations at the bottom. The characteration was good and it was nice to read.
Puss In Heels chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Not bad for a first story. Other than a few grammar issues, not bad at all. Poor Klavier - doesn't he have enough demons already? Anyways, I think you captured the nature of Apollo and Klavier's relationship quite well - mutual respect, yet with clear differences. I thought Klavier's characterization was especially good considering all the torture that game puts him through. Obviously, Apollo was a little over the edge, but that was the point of the story.

Anyways, keep writing. You've got good ideas, and you should keep it up!
