Reviews for Sibling Bonds
Silver Ecstasy chapter 4 . 1/3/2013
Haha awesome, though a few details went forgotten, like the fact that they had already phoned each other and knew they had switched bodies, and that Martin supposedly didn't have any tea... But awesome extra for your excellent story! Congrats!
Lovable143 chapter 4 . 7/12/2011
:) never been happier... LOVE IT!
MarsMonster chapter 4 . 12/2/2010
Hahahaha perfect end to a perfect story!
WayRoundWrong chapter 4 . 12/2/2010
Yay - I liked it. There were some wonderful funny moments in there - like "look at these curves, baby". I liked the way they mirrored their experiences and experienced similar sort of things. It was interesting that Elisse could fancy Ike and likewise the Marth could fancy Martin and this would have worked for both partnerships in spite of the body swap, on a mental level at any rate.
gone345 chapter 4 . 12/2/2010
Is someone making full advantage of the snow day off too?

Yay, Martin and Elisse are together and Marth makes out with Ike whilst he's still half asleep! And...everyone violates everyone else! Elisse and Marth violate their own boyfriends and the other's as, fun.

Ha ha, Elisse is the only one who got breakfast in bed, that made me laugh :)

Love the last line XD
gone345 chapter 3 . 12/2/2010
My favourite line is still: "Please, let there be a tractor. Dear god, please send a tractor." For some reason I find it very very funny :D

I still think Marth has it worse off, since Elisse and Martin's relationship isn't as concrete as his and Ike's and he could pretty much destroy all that his sister has been working for with one tiny slip-up. Martin seems unpredictable, which doesn't help matters, it was also quite surprising that he was pretty well off as well (like Ike is if they're staying in wonderful hotels all the time) Marth and Elisse really so have a similar taste in men. Eccentric men to say the least. But Ike is still better :P

I liked the similarities between their thoughts in the kissing scene!

Poor Elisse, missing her baby has to be hard, but I'm still more sympathetic towards Marth. As long as she goes along with what Ike does however, it's fine. Plus the fact that Ike is still totally oblivious to the fact that anything might be wrong!

Right, on to the next chapter!
motolokiev chapter 2 . 11/26/2010
Smiles all around! How awkward for the both of them!

I'm having a blast reading this.

As always, looking forward to the next chapter!
applejack00 chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
um WOW.

This is amazing (as was Artistic Licence). You have a good blend of 'amusing' and 'touching.'

can't wait for part 3 :D
MarsMonster chapter 2 . 11/13/2010
gone345 chapter 2 . 11/13/2010
I feel sorry for Marth more than Elisse!

Marth's encounter with Roy was sad, but I love the fact he's so good with shopping! :D

The fact they have a similar taste in men is very funny, though Martin seems to be a bit brighter than Ike does, he notices all the differences and Ike just assumes that 'Marth' is feeling a bit wierd today.

I like where you cut it off, I think that was the best place overall :)
motolokiev chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
What can I say other than mind blow? Nothing, quite frankly.

I'm seriously looking forward to the other half of this!
WayRoundWrong chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
This is a entertaining and enjoyable read. :))))
gone345 chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
At the moment I feel the most sorry for Marth, though I am intrigued what will go through the heads of Ike and Martin when Marth and Elisse get back to normal, and in the mean time!

Yep, poor Marth, babies are annoying creatures whilst Elisse has Ike to herself! Hardly fair!

Update soon!
MarsMonster chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
YAY! This is gonna be awesome!