Reviews for 15 Reasons To Get Rid Of Sierra
LovelyLuly chapter 1 . 1/23
Uh Actually he would probably be fine with Ale, it's "AL" Tha he can't stand and why does he pisses you off so much? Because he got rid of Noah? I mean... Yeah that sucked but I got shippy vibes from it since I honestly doubt he would care that much if it was like... Owen who said that.
I agree with pretty much all of the reasons except Sierra sounding like a cross between Duncan/Dj (please her voice is super high pitched... Even more than Katie's... You should put that as the reason), Sierra being huge compared to Cody (please. She's a few cemitimeters taller at best. I'm the one who would be huge compared to Cody... I mean I'm 5'11 for Noah's sake)
Pepe's Red-Eyed Cousin chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
Whoa?! I expected Sierra to do a lot of crazy stuff on the show, but SNIFFING CODY'S PEE-STAINED UNDERWEAR?! Okay... now I'm convinced Cody should file for a restraining order. Poor Cody.
LoveDoes chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
Haha! I loved it. I too, dislike Sierra. I find her annoying and extremely disgusting.
NerdyNightStocker chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
I LMAO-ed the whole way through this! I agree that Sierra was a pointless, unnecessary character who was completely annoying and unlikable. This was spot-on despite what any little Sierra fan says!
paraPsychologist chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
I completely agree! She's a freaking ubber stalker. I sure hope she doesn't make it to the fourth season, regardless of whether or not Cody's there. She's just one of those people Chris decided to put on to torture someone. Poor Codester. Her violet hair just kind of freaked me out. (What is up with that?)
peoniequeen chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Have they increased ratings or something? Because that's really messed up if you think stalking is cool, or if you think that me being forced to watch out for my virginity if awesome and entertaining

So messed up
RGZ Archer chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
Wow, I havent laughed that hard in a LONG time, thanks for the chuckles and broken ribs ;P

I think my favorite aspect of this story was that it was 90% spot on for characterization. You nailed Cody, something excedingly rare when it comes to this site. He, along with Izzy, Noah, and current Heather are hard for people to write, well compared to the rest of the cast. Cody IS NOT a wide eyed cute innocent adorible little geek. He's a teenage boy, slightly perverted (he did ask for Gwen's bra pretty early in the series, and has kept it for close to a year) and has a wide range of emotions from annoyed to angered (his one hit KO on Duncan is my current wallpaper).

Serria...I dont like. I dont HATE her, but she's only SLIGHTLY higher than Duncan on my list, Blainly is higher raited for petes sake and thats saying something.

Hope to see you do a song fic on this in the future, an opposit number to 'Boyfriend Kisser' in a way, hehe, 'Stalking Creeper' could be the title lol.

The only thing I didnt like here was Cody disliking her due to her being bald. Cody is a lot of things, but he wouldnt hold an accident against someone, otherwise he wouldnt be friends with Harold (Murphies law in action) or Owen the 'Gassanator'.

While I am dissapointed that Gwen seems...lost at this time, there is hope, season 4 will flop having an entirly new cast and they might bring back the old writers/producers for season 5, so there is hope.

I do think its odd that people have ignored the third option for Cody so far though. Heather made it pretty clear by the end of TDWT that she doesnt hate him, going so far as calling him and Harold her only two friends. Meh, nowhere near as good as Gwen, but still much much better than Serria *shudders*
Captain Alaska chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
Okay this was good for a laugh, and I don't believe in flaming. But just not good I like CxS.

It was okay. Again I hate flaming people's hard work
nikki-kun05 chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
I love you Cereal. I love you very much. *hug* If I wasn't taken I'd sweep you off your feet. XDDD

Anyway, this thing was hilirious from start to finish. Thanks you for writing it.
PrettyAmethystPrincess chapter 1 . 10/9/2010
Lol! OMG, I freaking loved this! It literally had me in tears! xDD I can't stand Sierra either! And hate how whenever Cody tried to make a move on Gwen, she ruined it! I dunno, she just like, ruins the cuteness and amusing-ness of it! Anyways, this was truly awesome, and once again, I loved this fic!
the Desert Fox chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
Good story. Funny too. Hmm, I suppose there are those who could say that Gwen feels the same way Cody does about Sierra. Now about Al, he's like a male version of Heather. It's hilarious to see how Heather reacts to him. Plus when he kicks Owen off the airplane and gets gassed, that was funny.

Keep up the good work.
LizTheBookNerd chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
hahaha! luvin it!
The Dragon 1000 chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
woo-hoo! i read a spoiler!

i think the violet hair was cute on her.

yeah, i agree with the bug eye thing


sierra: is crying “i can't believe he hates me!” keeps crying


cody: sighs “do i have to do the same thing i did in paris?”

end confessionals

erica(my oc): giggles “wow, cody, gwen doesn't want to date you 'cuz sierra's stalking you. maybe if you just shove sierra out the plane, then go to gwen and tell her how much she means to you, she'll like you. even if she still rejects you, you can ask for that gwen hug, i'm sure she'll give it to you. she's a good person. even if courtney says she's a boyfriend kisser, she's not. duncan kissed gwen! good ones bullying duncan, by the way”
truebluefangirl chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
LOL! Even though I am a Coderra fan, this was hilarious! I'll read any story that bashes a character from this show (even if I like them) as long as it's under the humor category, so please write more stories like this!
shadowcatbrat918 chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Great story! Sierra annoyed me from the start of the series but I think she got a little better towards the end of TDWT.
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