Reviews for Konoha's Hogwart Student
alicia7788 chapter 10 . 3/26/2019
Carol542 chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Love it
SeleneAlice chapter 10 . 4/7/2017
please update this story soon
Sakura Lisel chapter 2 . 10/6/2015
Wait... So WHY is she going by her BIRTH name? Instead of staying as Hari Uchiha? Tom at the bar called her Hari Uchiha when he gave her Dumbledore's letter when she arrived, Dumbledore didn't even know who she really was when he hired her to come protect Harry.

So why stop answering to Hari Uchiha, when THAT'S who she's probably registered in school as well as her birth name, when not even Dumbledore knew she was the long lost Potter twin? Seeing how she was living in Konoha since some time after her and Harry's birth, did ANYBODY in the magical world even know she existed to begin with before Lily and James sent her away to Konoha?

Though when Ron showed up on the train. Why did he say 'everybody thought Hari was DEAD all these years'? Why would ANYBODY even think that to begin with? She's been living in Konoha all these years, LONG before the fateful night her brother and birth parents were attacked by Voldemort, that made HARRY famous for 'beating' the dark lord. So how and why does the wizarding world know about Hari, let alone think a girl who's NEVER been around to begin with when her family was attacked was 'dead' all this time? Rumors say she's been 'dead' of what exactly since nobody should have even known she existed depending on how old she was when she was left in Konoha? *lol*
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
Minato should have given Harina a completely DIFFERENT name when he 'renamed' her. *lol* It's weird that there's now TWO Potter kids with basically the same name, but spelled differently. Other than that I love this story already. :D
birdy124 chapter 3 . 5/21/2014
I enjoy reading those small tidbits you added to show how Hari's presence has caused repercussions to the cannon plot of Naruto.
birdy124 chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
No offense, but wow. You just packed a huge amount of gifts onto a Mary Sue or something. I'm fine with OCs but at least don't make it seem like they are horribly scarred and mangled from the huge amount of gifts the Author (you) lavished onto them. Try putting some limitations onto your characters. Not only does that make them someone a little more relatable, but also a bit more exciting. Then, action/fight scenes can be a bit more adrenaline-pulling.
Note: I've never written that much on a review before! XD
alexma chapter 9 . 2/13/2014
awesome crossover please update soon thanks
Guest chapter 8 . 12/7/2013
It's like you tried to cram as many mary-sue cliches into your character as possible (which is admitted impressive in itself)
SabukuKyu69 chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
Your over doing Harrina. She has too many powers, hair streaks and experience. Add more time cause graduating at four and at the highest rank at the same age isn't going to cut it. Give her history, adventures, weak points and powers that aren't over done. She's turning into a super Mary-Sue. But without all that it's still good.
TillyTallie chapter 5 . 4/20/2012
Seriously? I know when you put an OC in you want to make the character stand out. But isn't this a bit much? First off is the name, Harrina is to similar to Harry, if she was to be the female version then i could underdstand it. The thing is that she is supposed to be the twin and the names are too much the same aspecially the nicknames in which the only differance is when it's written down. Second is that she has too many powers, i get that you want her to be special and you want her to be up and above everyone else, give her one of those powers and she is without overdoing it like you seem to have done. There is also her being Genin, Chunnin, Jonin and Anbu at the age of 4 years old when she only entered the academy when she turned 4. It's too much in so little of the timeline you have set. Something else that has been really bugging me is that how can a 4 year old do all what you want her to do at that age pyhsically and not mention any problems regarding this? A really good story to look at that is perfect for this type of Fanfic would be Wake Me Up Inside by RayneXHatake and such is excellant guideline for authors who want to have a go at child prodigy shinobi, and i suggest that if you need some help to ask this author she really is very good at what she writes. The only thing that i have a real problem with is that Harry and Harrina haven't bonded in anyway that i can see. There isn't any mention of them talking about their home lives, despite the fact that Harry has found out after 11 years that his twin sister isn't dead or if Harry even knew he had a twin sister that he hasn't even tried to get to know this sister that has sprung up from nowhere. From what we know of Harry from JKR's books is that Harry values who he views as family, look at what went on with Sirius Black, and he is very curious child.

Now i really do hope that this review helps you in your writing of this story, i mean for this review to be a helpful critisism that will help you in future. If it doesn't come across this way then i apologise but i only mean to help you out. If all you think is that i'm a stupid bitch and i have no idea what i'm talking about and happily ignore another author trying to help you out, then i have nothing other than to say than good luck in your writing and hope you'll learn.

THIS IS NO WAY INTENDED TO BE A FLAME! and anyone being purposely rude is only jelous that they didn't think of it first XD
sulfur angel chapter 4 . 3/19/2012
Shouldn't the potions class come before the troll incident? This is an introductory class, while the troll doesn't show up until Halloween, which is about two months into the school year. Unless, of course, Potions wasn't taught for the first two months...
panda-ryuu-chan chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
Mary-Sue much?
SakuraDragomir chapter 8 . 3/10/2012
hey waz up

can u write more of this story plz? if u can

i love naruto and harry potter

i hope i can read more of ur stories


-yuuki kuran

queen of the night
unearthing chapter 1 . 2/4/2012
The female equivalent to Harry is Harriet. Just please, Harrina? Also check your tenses, past and present, they're having a party all over the place. But don't be discouraged, I saw you have a couple of rough reviews but it's not so bad, just go over it and fix a few things. The Mary Sueness isn't too hard to fix either, just make her a bit of a bitch, if you're that awesome you're bound to be arrogant or something.
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