Reviews for Five Past Six
JustaGermanGirl chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
Really sweet :) I love brotherly Prussia and Germany, makes me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy inside.

(Although one small criticism - "good night" is "gute Nacht" (without the 'n') and the word "gute" is not capitalised unless it is the first word in a sentence)
RaisinContradiction chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
that's sweet. don't worry Lud, thunderstorms make me uncomfortable too/
kcrb0202 chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
Awww that was cute. :-)
usukforeverandeverandeverr chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
Aww, what a cute story. I love stories where Gilbert takes on the role of older brother and this one is so cute. And aww at little Ludwig being scared of storms.

Anyway, this is an original, well written, and well paced story. It has so many aww moments. Great job with this story.
StormWolf91 chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
Awww, this was such a sweet brotherly love story. I like how you portrayed young Ludwig/Germany, and you kept Gilbert/Prussia's character well, too. :D
Trumpet-Geek chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
So adorable... As much as I adore Germancest, I really really love their brotherly relationship, especially in the early years. Something about responsible!sweet!Gilbert and adorable!little!Germany... :)
knightlygirl chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
Please, no Germancest, Ludwig is only thirteen, and Gilbert is old enough to have a nine to five job, it'd be pedophila! At least change them to lovers first...
ReishiColleen chapter 1 . 11/5/2010

ah~ i love peaceful times~
KlyntarPrime chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
D'awwwww! This was so sweet! Little Ludwig always fills my heart with goodness and delight! :3 He's so sweet worrying about his big brother, and always trying to be the best brother that he can be. It's so damn cute! X3 And poor Gilbo, having such a stressful day and then feeling bad about leaving his brother...I could see this being Germancest, but it could also be just random fluff too. AWESOME story! :D
Hokuto Uchiha chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
Aw, this is so cute. I love it :)
Gentleman Crow chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
B'awww totally sweet cute delightful fluff ; w ; Poor little Ludwig, his day totally has to run like clockwork even as a kid XD Adorable, I loved this X3
Kurisuten-chan chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
Awwwww, so cute! I love Kid!Germany and Brotherly!Prussia; it's just sooooooooooo cute! Nice job, even though it was a little OOC. Keep up the good work!
