Reviews for Devolution
Linz2 chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
Oh my… this was deliciously dark
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
I do expect you to erase this story along with 'smiles from the land of twilight '.
HyruleanHero500 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
You might want to modify what Zelda said about the Master Sword because of the events of Skyward Sword.
Little Kunai chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
wow this was incredibly dark and engaging
Ellenar Ride chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
Can we say creepy? Although... since it's a horror fic... I guess that makes it a success... Maybe... You're disturbing me... Author has MAJOR issues... although it does bring up a good point, the curse really was pathetic... you're still disturbing... I'm gonna go read something else before I become permanently scarred...

(Don't take that as an insutlt. It IS a horror fic, and I love it.)
Shiso no Kitsune chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
I just wish to tell you that you are a sick and twisted individual, who should be locked up for a long time and seperated from the rest of humanity...And that it's nice to meet a kindred spirit!

This was very...Erm I can't say "good" due to the sheer darkness that this holds, but rest assured it is possitive. You have manage to make possibly the darkest and distubing thing in relation to LoZ, second only to the "Redead death hump of disturbing doom". Be proud of this accomplishment.
FanNotANerd chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
Son. Of. A. Bitch. That was probably THE creepiest story I've ever read. The thing is, the gorier things didn't really faze me that much. Okay, I admit, Midna getting eaten was pretty bad. But man, the thing that creeped me out the most was Ganon's line at the end. That, for some reason, threw the horror index from plain freaky to Stephen King freaky. Where the hell did you get that idea?

And, by the way, you should really change it to M rating.

Anyway, overall extremely well-written, very shocking, an interesting and unique interpretation. Well done.
KIRAisJUSTICE13 chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
Wow... I must say it was a little hard reading that bit with Midna being eaten as I'm pretty much in love with her lol. However, that story was AMAZING! Sure, there were a few places where the writing could have been tweaked a bit, but the story you conveyed moved me. Even now as I'm typing this review my hands are cold and a little shaky. I've read some pretty gruesome things on this site before, but the amount of detail you put in your scenes combined with the mood and tone made this story stand out from many other's. What more can I say? A job well done.
S.R.H. Fade chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
Mmm…gore. Yum.

Now on to the inevitable crit, because for some reason, I just can't get enough of crit nowadays… Probably my horrible, emo self-esteem talking. So after this I shall go to slit my wrists in the bathtub. You know you love it.

I really feel like I shouldn't be say all the stuff I do in this review because I am a) younger than you by a lot and b) being a TOTAL HYPOCRITE because I can see all the stuff wrong in your story while I'm writing stuff with the exact same problems as you and I can't—or won't—see it. So any butthurt here is only to help. Promise.

Yes, there definitely was adjective spam, but there were more metaphors and sentence variety here, and metaphors and other such are a lot more powerful than just adjectives.

Okay. The main problem I found with this was that there was too much telling, not enough showing. And I know that's what all the English teachers say, but screw that, they're totally right.

So, I was reading the Author's Note and thinking, "Ah-HA, this is going to be even more epic than the Phoenix/Layton crossover trailer!" (*hyperspazzes*) but unfortunately, the fact that you announced exactly what the story was about from the get-go killed the fun. I would have liked to figure out what was going on from reading the story and enjoying it when I realized it all by my big-girl self what the bloody hell was going on.

Then, you spend the entire first half describing the curse and Midna's realization about it, in which she regurgitates what you just said in the A/N, when you could have just selected all of that and pressed delete and the story would stay the same. Or it maybe could have been better, because the first part was just telling you Link's going to the funny farm and the second part was SHOWING you, which is more powerful and a helluva lot more interesting to read. Either that, or incorporate the background information into the action so we get both at the same time. I just don't think the condensed information thing was working for the nightmare scheme. Or for any scheme, really.

But don't get me wrong. I just have a bone to pick—no pun intended, honest—with the first half of this thing. It felt totally unnecessary.

Second to last thing: there were some unnecessary words you used that detracted from the flow of the story.

One last thing: the tone you use to tell the story somehow doesn't really convey the panic and urgency of the situation. Just…somehow…it doesn't. And "why" it does escapes me right now. I know it both irritates you and is kind of unhelpful, but I felt the need to point it out even though I don't how to fix it.

On the other hand, the more up-beat hand, a lot of this was totally epic at the same time. Especially Coro. I don't know why, but the Coro section was pretty damn awesome. Somehow, I could see that section more vividly than I could the others…although I give credit to the lines "White vertebrae protruded from a crimson mess of fur, muscle, and intestines. A freak flash of lighting illuminated her torn stomach, her dislocated bones" for being awesomely AWESOME.

Next, I really did enjoy how Link was battling within himself for control, how he lashed out at Midna then stopped himself, tried to warn her to run, all that good stuff. Seeing him fight it out with himself was better than having Midna think, "Gee, he's fighting for control" and state it plainly for us. (I dunno, is this a form of Beige Prose?)

And while the Hetalia fic I reviewed in a remarkably similar manner had some kind of anticlimactic last words for America, Midna's last words here were amazing, really. I mean, he's EATING HER and she goes around spouting rainbow goodness like "I forgive you." A little cheesy, but my oh my, the moment was pretty damn good anyway. Especially when I remember how much she liked abusing Link (which would have been a nice fact to have been reminded of in the story because I almost reviewed without remembering this, btw).

The ending had me confused, but only for the first line. When you say the "ivory heads" of the Goddesses, did you mean the heads of the statues, or the heads of the real deal? Because him having the full Triforce means he can do whatever shit he wants, and if he wants is using the heads of the Goddesses as his dining room carpet, then that's the shit he'll do. But it sounds to me like we're talking about the statue heads, which isn't half as fun…

And the picture the ending paints is all of those things and MOAR. :D A thousand kudos to Ganondorf for the kickass one-liner at the end.

*sigh* Tired… I'm glad I got around to reading and reviewing this, though. G'night.

…Oh, no, wait. I have to finish King of Thorn. Darn those suspense/thriller/mystery/gore mangas for being so addicting.
AccountInvisible chapter 1 . 10/13/2010
Holy mother of...

You nearly had ME throwing up at some of those parts...

And it takes a lot for me to get grossed out...

Eternal Nocturne chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
Woah, woah, WOAH! This came from YOU? I thought that you were some established horror author and then when I scrolled up to see who wrote this, I... Well... Let's just say I suddenly exploded on the inside. XD

Ffff, I guess we're switching places then. I'M the one that's supposed to the be the Horror author and YOU'RE supposed to be the Humor one lol. But recently I've done nothing but pointless Humor stories, and now you just posted this. O_o

Anyway, I just loved this. :3 Unfortunately I have to say that I needed a lot more to be creeped out, but seeing Midna getting eaten is probably good enough. :p You did a great job setting the atmosphere. Poor Midna wouldn't listen to common sense.

Hmm, somewhere in the Sacred Realm, Midna's spirit will be eternally stalking Link, asking him, "WHY IN THE NAME OF FARORE DID YOU EAT ME?"

Link: -doggy whine-

Midna: No! NO! NO MORE DOGS!

Haha. Great story. XD
TheGunSlinger82 chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
Noice. Good story. Personally I'm looking for a LoZ horror story that may follow the same path as dead space.
ZombieGrins chapter 1 . 10/10/2010

The Epsilon Key chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
Full Moon is my favorite song, the first time I heard it was when adamwestslapdog posted it on his frst video of Majora's Mask Abridged, the series is awesome. It's a pity for Link though, I never would have thought the curse being like that! Keep it up!
