Reviews for Dreaming
Aeris Aimara Ciren chapter 10 . 6/10/2015
I love Ralph in general. But I really love this one! ️️
Guest chapter 10 . 9/6/2014
cute story!
shay scene chapter 10 . 6/16/2014
I loved it. Such depth and so many stories entangled into one. your writing makes me wanna write fanfic.
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 10 . 4/6/2014
Love the end. Ralph has always been my favorite, I love when people being him into stories.
Mae Snapdragon chapter 10 . 11/22/2011
I read this for the Dasey (which was glorious) but the part that made my day was Ralph at the end, offering to find Tom a nice guy. Oh, Ralph. Can I marry you?
prettylittleliar47 chapter 10 . 3/26/2011
I loved this. The begging draws you in right away 'cause you wanna find out what happened to Derek and how it effected Casey. I really loved your little conversation with Ralph at the end of chapter 9.
nitefang chapter 8 . 2/3/2011
Okay, here is what I think:

I think you suck.

You suck because your stories are so freaking awesome that I haven't gotten around to doing my psych, astronomy, english, and calc homework and look what time it is here in "sunny Florida": 11:28PM.

*reluctantly clicks FOLLOW AUTHOR*

...oh, all right fine!


You really should learn how to weild those powers of awesomeness before someone gets hurt, Missy.
Nur Misur11 chapter 10 . 11/5/2010
Hey, saw you reviewed my story (thanks so much by the way) and decided to do the same and check out your stuff. I have to say I totally loved this one. Made me laugh in some parts and also kinda sad to see all the time they wasted with their pride. I liked having Ralph in this one. And having Casey be a superstar was a nice change. You don't see many with her in that career path. I liked how you built up to the Dasey goodness. When they haven't been in touch in that long, it made sense.
LivingVampire chapter 10 . 10/21/2010
I freaking love this story even though it was hard to tell where the past started and the present began. But it's a great story!
Kpfan72491 chapter 10 . 10/21/2010
Great ending :)
rumoredreader chapter 10 . 10/20/2010
Love, love, loved this story! Also don't tell my bf but I also totally love Ralph in this one. You'll have to tell him I think he's got some nice shoes, lol:)
not complaining chapter 10 . 10/19/2010
Aw, yay! Happy ending for those two! Great fic.
kmr04 chapter 10 . 10/18/2010
I loved it. Ralph leading Tom away to fin a guy friens for him was priceless. I love Ralph. Can you add him into your next story as well? Keep up the great work.
leanaplumz chapter 10 . 10/18/2010
Tom is awesome. "I hear banging!" Yes you do, Tom. Yes, you do.

Maybe Ralph can be the 'nice guy'? Why not? lol

Dasey ending happy me!

I can't wait for ur next fic!

Keep on writing! D
Veronica Willis chapter 10 . 10/18/2010
I really really love your writing. I'd like to see longer stories and maybe a little more build up to the sweet Dasey future.
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