Reviews for Canaria
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
Aww, both the boys crying at once. Things will be better.
SHJW chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
Somehow I could actually see Watson doing this... I mean after 3 years of believing Holmes was dead would drive anyone crazy. Very well written and I absolutely loved Holmes' question "Do you know me?" When he first asked that I was taking a different spin on it but I like how it ended
LE'Capitan chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
I cannot get over your skill in weavy such tales of woe into the lives of Holmes and Watson. The way you portray the relationship between them is quite frankly, scary, and as holmes would say, 'most sinister', but at the same time, it is founded on the deep love and care they have for each other. Your stories impress me beyond words. Bravo.
420PeaceFrogs chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
You may think that it was too melodramatic, but I would beg to differ. This is really well written, especially when compared with much of the other Holmes fanfiction. If you are not already on deviantart you should be, there are some really cool Holmes groups on there for stories and art. :D
yamifannetje chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
This makes the highest so low.

So deeply has their friendship never been before. How much it must hurt Watson to do this! What may make him thinking like that. And what makes Holmes able to live whith the knowledge to be poisoned by his own friend, the man he loves more than anything in the whole world?

Good job!
Paintastics chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
I was totally into that! It wasn't overly dramatic at all. What I got from it was that Watson's mind was slipping and accepting of irrational thoughts and therefore justifying what he did.

Very nice, I'm glad you posted it. :D