Reviews for Pokemon: A Second Chance
Guest chapter 17 . 7/7/2014
Bright Man Akihiko chapter 6 . 5/27/2013
Seriously? One f***ing hit KO? That's not even f***ing realistic! Ash's friggin something like lv 60 or 70 Bulbasaur loses to what is known as a friggin level 5 Snivy! I don't give a damn if Ty can battle better than Cynthia. Snivy simply doesn't have enough experience! Come on, lets get realistic here. Also, When Charizard effing misses with Flare Blitz, his pokemon reflexes tell him to go up! Garchomp can't fly as high as a friggin Charizard who has been training in the Charicific Valley for years! Especially the strongest one in the valley! Seriously, you need to work on strength portrayal in battle.
Bright Man Akihiko chapter 3 . 5/27/2013
What pokemon is Bahamut?
Fare-Thee-Wells chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Pretty cool story! I think, I'll stick around. Is it still accepting OCs?
tomas chapter 17 . 11/25/2012
i love it make some more
KingRome0 chapter 17 . 11/20/2012
man your story is brilliant. I hope you continue with it soon :3
Silver Heart11DOOM chapter 17 . 11/15/2012
love it
SecondSephyroth chapter 17 . 5/28/2012
This is a great story. If you ever need help, id be glad to help in small points. I may be able to help in small points. Sadly i can not write any thing on my own thanks to the fact i can not use any computers currently. Only my iPhone. I also like the ssb thing. Could you please put my avatar on there for a minute, id be glad and eternally grateful. My avatar looks like a miscolored Sephyroth (final fantasy series) w/ brown hair, a white bat's wing, and a Buster Blade, as well as a black hair and yellow cat's eyes. Trivia: did you know Nintendo made a little known version of ff7 for snes, which sony later bought and improved in many ways. I will continue, but you have no obligation to read, i have ADD, so i just want to My character for the story has a backstory. He was the 1,000,000nth user, and as such, got the limited edition final fantasy pack with the ability to use the "black materia in miniature" - meteorian. Please respond in any way. Please.
a storm cryed by a wolf chapter 17 . 3/5/2012
If you restart your story you could have your OC start out earlier in the AU timeline.

But if you keep going with thos story now you have little to work with and it will be harder to put new things most times.

But it's mostly (all) up to you. Love this chapter can't wait for the next one.
The Brutal Critic chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
This story is awful. I know the definition of Marty-stu but you redefined the definition of the term. First, the intro. Cliché as all hell. And you dieing is the cheery on top on the cliché sundae you wrote. And the fact that the PokeGods called you their chosen one was really derp. And why the fucking hell did you give yourself a full team? I thought that Pokemon was about growing stronger, not being strong right off the bat. Also why the fuck does everyone have a Lucario? Aren't they really rare? And why is Josh in this fic? His Marty-sue-ness is OVER 9000! Why do all of his Pokemon talk? That's real lame. Rewrite this fic and give yourselves ACTUAL problems that we can relate to.
Arkarian23 chapter 16 . 2/6/2012
Liking this story so far. Looking forward to more chapters if you're still writing.
Romeo the hedgehog chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
WOW!...I have to say this is one of the best stories I have seen so far, great work! usualy someone makes their oc to amazing but you did just enough, again great job and keep it up


yours sincearly (bad spelling)

Romeo the hedgehog
Commander Kitsune chapter 16 . 12/5/2011
Oi! Now there's nothing wrong with our battle itself, but you've got Ifrit's personality all wrong! He's not a silent guy. Just look at him in my story. And I'm not taking time off. I think some editing is required on my side.
Clockwork Giant chapter 15 . 10/19/2011
And I'm up to the current chapter! Huzzah! If you don't mind, who do you plan to pair ty with?
Clockwork Giant chapter 7 . 10/19/2011
Curse you for making me WANT to review. The song combined with your battle scene honestly made me have chills. Good work
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