Reviews for The Seldom Seen Kid
Khimaera chapter 53 . 7/24
Thanks for the reading. I'm looking forward to the next chapters.
Good writing !

FeelSpyre chapter 15 . 7/23
Im sorry, i cant read any further, youve made naruto a punching bag, a pushover, the story is not engaging, the only parts that were even remotely interesting was some character deaths, basically anything before canon was nice, everything after was just unbearable.
Valerie Gale Hautea Javelosa chapter 43 . 7/19
Come on Naruto you'll make a great hokage!
Condescenion chapter 53 . 7/18
This story is great. Can't wait for the fight in the next chapter.
EllemenoB chapter 10 . 7/18
I'm going to request that you stop making me cry every chapter or two, thanks.
But for real, this is pure gold.
Smartyul chapter 53 . 7/16
Jon 'Fatjon' Umber chapter 53 . 7/15
Ow. Cliff hang. Glad you still update. We love you
Ky111 chapter 53 . 7/15
Great chapter, can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

Until the next one.
zigmas chapter 53 . 7/14
There's BETA, and then there's: "I haven't reread my shit even once, so screw you for seeing how shitty it is in the first five seconds of reading it".
Which in itself shows how much you "care".
buterflypuss chapter 53 . 7/14
good chap
Jostanos chapter 53 . 7/14
*ahem* LCG~, you _may_ want to consider editing this chapter because you have quite a few errors in it.

Errors like Gai's name instead of Lee's when it comes to "Drunken Fist Style", words switched around in a sentence and or paragraph, and or missing words.

Other than them this chapter passes with no problems and is a joy to read. :)

Please continue when you may, and please do not rush! Thank you. *bows humbly*
DarkRavie chapter 53 . 7/14
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
L.Maurel chapter 52 . 7/8
It's very a well written and thought out plot line. I should enjoy reading the rest of it if you ever find the time to finish it. Though, I do have a question: Why do so many writers have a problem forming past perfect and passive tense correctly? Allow me to give you an example: "If I hadn't of saved you, you would have been dead." You used that exact scentence in chapter 16. Of is a preposition and therefore can not take the position of a verb. It should be: "If I didn't save you, you would be dead." or "If I hadn't had saved you, you would have been dead."
As for the other example, I ried back tracking a bit, but there are quite a few chapters. I probably shoul have written that down, s i did with the other.
Don't get me wrong, you're hardly the only writer to make that mistakte. It recently does happen with increasing frequency, though. It is somewhat anoying when you start reading and think, oh, this could be realy good, if all of the plotlines end up in the end. And then you stumble uppon such a simple mistake that breaks the flow of what would otherwise be a very well written and cohesive unit.
Here are a couple of my linkes:
You are skilled in spinning and twistin plotlines appart. Most of the time they come together seamlessly. Though, as the fanfic has not ended, there are quite a few loose ends.
A good portion of your characters are multidimensional. That probably makes writing more difficult, reading, however, becomes far mor enjoyable. I'm a little appalled just how long it takes some of them to grasp simple concepts, but, hey, this is your story. As long as it reads fluidly and comes together in a way that makes sense within the world that you create, I'll probably like it. Never mind wether I like the general idea for the plot line or not. Personally, I finished reading stories whos plotline I did not like at all, but they were so well written that I simply could not stop.
PrimeEmperor chapter 13 . 7/7
Good, i hope naruto learn with turtle
PrimeEmperor chapter 5 . 7/7
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